The Climb
The Climb
1999 Zihni Müzik
01 Perfectly Nothing
02 Turning Black
03 When You Call My Name
04 Clayboy
05 Fine Romance
06 Days On Ways
07 Lacuna
08 Somebody's Toy
09 Spineless
Alone in myself
Alone and noway
Thats not my logic
But I cant get myself noway
I am ugly
I am holy
Others want to play with my mind
Take it away
City sick
Somethings wrong in it
Brick by brick
Perfectly nothing and sick
(Don't tell me your truth
Into my eyes just blow it to me
Kill that holy with cold blood)
When I am afraid to see
I feel you in me
Alone in my bed
I fight against the past
I hold you in your rest
I can't cry feel so bad
War is over mayday mayday
I drown in my self day by day
You couldn't reach my hands
I close my eyes
Its turning black
Place that you lived in buried
It into your heart things that you loved
Blow all of them into night
Truth that you hold nothing
Will grow in your arms
Forget the past close your eyes and see what it wrong
Stop the car
We are not in the race
Against the dawn
I feel fine
So fine
Finally I found my fun
Don't move it down
Or move it up
Skinny little looser
Bleeding thats not an art
Hey relax
Ok I know what I do clayboy
I have always loved
Red and dawn
I woke up with superfucking nice emotion
Like a stranger in my body
I felt like
I am flying
Laughing and crying
But I liked it (I hate too)
Always on ways
Shining rotten lover touch me softly
Rotten smiling in the grave as her bed
She is lying
Under bloody red luna
Wake up my lacuna
I wish I could stop that noises million roses
I hold my breath and swallow roses
Under bloody red luna
Wake up my lacuna
(I wish I could stop that noises million roses
I hold my breath and swallow roses)
New breath of sun light
Fresh skin for flames
Night is my shelter from
My own melting face it walks with my shadow
It talks with my words
Scrape with my hands and nails desperation its the worst
I don't wanna be somebody' toy
I don't wanna feel like noone
I don't want to fall (down)
With mothers dead in the burning pictures
Smoke its bleeding in your eyes
Your love has turned to dust
Than mercy locked in you
Its secraming in your eyes
She will melting on your skin
Little porno queen
She will float
In her own blood
She will dive in her own blood
(Its just creeping under skin lost
Within your soul
Leech on your scars
Its creeping with your soul)
All music & lyrics by Gökalp Ergen
Guitars And Vocals: Gökalp Ergen
Bass Guitar: Kağan Batır
Guitars: Melih Balta
Drums: Alen "Goatee" Konakoğlu
23 Ocak 2014
Wormlust 2013 The Feral Wisdom
The Feral Wisdom
2013 Demonhood Productions
01 Sex Augu, Tólf Stjörnur
02 Djöflasýra
03 Á Altari Meistarans
04 Iður Úti
Sex augu, tólf stjörnur,
með himinþokur milli fingra sér.
Sveipaður myrkri og harmi,
drukknandi augu synda yfir það sem fyrir ber.
Leifar fjarlægra drauma finnast undir isilögðum sjáöldrum,
berjast þær sýnir um að komast upp a yfirborðið.
Vaki þú hyldýpi óskylt takmörkunum holdsins,
Leyf okkur að hvíla í faðmi þinum.
Að þekkja ásjónu vítislogana,
allar þessar óteljandi tennur.
Þínar sálhreinsandi hvítu klær,
Eftir hlutdeild í tilveru utan líkama.
Sú óendandi þjáning,
hve við þráum að þekkja form hennar,
að samtvinnast greipum logans.
Yfirstíga eðju holdsins,
að svífa.
Fuðra upp.
Eilíft líf,
bjögun hins illlýsanlega sjálfs,
orðin eru bitur lofsöngur,
og munnur okkar fullur af glerbrotum.
án andgiftar,
gleyptar hafa verið ófáar tennurnar.
Ódauðleg prísund umlykjandi,
aðgangur að djúpunum; hylling.
Vonarglætan kæfð.
Brenni þeir útlimir ófærir um að slá frá sér.
Rotni það hold af beinum sem getur ei brunnið.
Megi þessir tónar sveipa af hulunni,
þetta verk hreinsa burt sköpunarverkið.
Megi uppljómum tendrast í hugum allra.
Megi allt sem er,
vera ei meir.
Hent inn í óseðjandi hreinsunareldinn,
ráðgáturnar leystar og dauðinn eina frelsunarorðið.
Frelsuð frá tilveru.
Andinn dreginn á brott.
Við sjáum pyttinn.
Ginnungargap ofar öllum skilningarvitum,
líkama kaffærða í óyfirstíganlegum refsingum.
Endi allra ferðalaga.
Við heyrum sársaukaópin.
Þær fjarlægu raddir sem klifra upp hallarsalina.
Við lifum í draumaheim,
sársaukinn vekur ei.
Fingur titra, augun grípa í tómt.
Litir renna saman í eitt,
móðan smýgur sér í öll vit.
Við erum bundinn í dróma,
klædd sólinni.
Himneskum eldi.
Engin leið út.
Það hefur tóm augu,
drekkandi ódáinsveigar,
veitandi sýnir.
Óhugnaðurinn, fegurðin - allt þetta gall.
Kjaftur þessi gleypir allt,
öllum sökkt er ofan í svaðið.
Ormétnir líkamar engjast um,
hér er vaðið er í gegnum öskuna.
Klökkar eru hendurnar,
líkkistur neglurnar,
engin handfesta finnst í kórónu keisarans.
Finn ég á þessari stundu hvernig grafir okkar snertast.
Hin dýrslega viska,
rekur í sundur sálir og magnar upp sáluhliðin,
helblóm spretta í augnatóftum þess.
Í höfði skepnunnar eru svartir salir,
niðamyrkir gígar,
ærandi víddir þjáninga.
Það rís úr hafinu ,
eins og krabbamein.
Jarðarfararsálmur sem er leikinn á innyfli,
sultarhljóð sem fyllir himindjúpin.
Án hugsunar.
Þungt gnæfir þessi draummynd yfir alheimnum,
sem skinnhvítt rekald.
Í hvítlogandi flæðarmáli stjarnanna,
andað inn sem myrkri.
Dragsúg tómleikans.
Sálnahirðir úr fjólubláum reyk,
sem með heljargreipum sínum fer um helgidóminn,
bakvið dánargrímu,
undir flogaveikum básunuþyt.
Sannleikans eilífa djúp,
þar er bæli dýrsins,
vitfirring kæfð í reyk.
Frýs blóðþyrst hjartað.
Opnast dauðans gin,
Hungurvofunnar slóð,
hún er kviðrist og köld,
hér hægist andardráttur,
sést frosin mánamóða.
Þúsund stjörnur loga,
undir dökku kufli.
Umlykur dauðans myrkur.
Enni þess markað máttugum rúnum,
gullnir hlekkir glitra.
Fannhvítir faðmar vinda tannhjólin,
sligast undan klukknanna þunga hljóm,
beinanna klið.
Tungan er hljóð,
starir út í tómið og umritar ósagðar reglur.
Slæðingur þessi sameinast óminnishegranum.
Hugdettur um að vakna upp frá martröðinni,
hugmyndir um tilveru innan holds;
rifnar í sundur af hröfnum.
Svífur sjálfið yfir vötnunum,
ferðast út úr helli ofskynjanna,
fyrst sem seiður.
Út í gegnum gimsteinalagt höfuðið.
Úr munni þess sem biturt tvíeggjað sverð,
með sex vængi alsetta augum;
sem vitnisburður.
Sem sneiðir í sundur glerhafið,
skilin á milli raunveruleika og martraða.
lastmæling sem stígur upp úr undirdjúpum vímunnar,
ferðast í gegnum víddir.
Frá holdi til spádómsorða sem kollvarpa hásætum.
Aldauði og gnístur tanna,
þú hefur vakið meistarann.
Lagt er á höfuð hans ennisdjásn; líkneski dýrsins,
skarlatsrautt -purpurar gimsteinar perlur.
Á altari meistarans er gullbikar fullur viðurstyggðar,
brimfullar eru þessar skálar reiðinnar.
Hann drekkur þjáninguna þína og árvökul á þér eru hans augu,
Athygli hans jafn voðaleg og rödd ofan úr gröfinni.
Sú rödd sem lúðrablástur,
herlúðrar hljómandi úr kosmískum fjarska.
Hann gerir hreiður úr iðrum þínum,
tómarúm úr hjarta þínu.
Hann er klæddur sólinni og virðist snertur af eldi,
umlykjandi skuggar líkastir grimmu svartnættinu,
táknin þau öll öskra að seiðurinn hefur verið rofinn,
að lyklar undirdjúpanna hafi á svipstundu umbreyst í hlekki,
altarið sem þú hafðir ætlað sem fangelsi hefur orðið þín eigin gröf.
Iður úti,
allt verður eitt með ógleðinni.
Þú ert eins og blóðrauð vofa,
fálmar þínir strjúka mér.
Ég verð að fá að vita,
Getur þú umlukið allt?
Skapað list úr þjáningum?
Kviðrist himintáknin?
Rofið seiðhringinn?
Blæst þú í lúðrana?
Opnar þú hliðin?
Getur þú klófest geðveikina?
Étið upp sjúkdóminn og hrækt honum út?
Þú ert hér til að bera vitni.
Þessi grimmu augu,
dauðfarar sem ferðast í kyrrþey.
Þögul þau vaka yfir í hreinu skuggaformi,
Engin grið.
Náttúran lekur út um svöðusárið.
Þegar þú lætur mig síga ofan í jörðina þá grætur þú ekki fyrir mér,
þú grætur fyrir sjálfri þér af ótta við dauðann.
Að þú hafir aldrei verið neitt.
Myrkur þetta vofir yfir huga þínum því þú ert vansköpuð sál,
vafin saurugum vængjum.
Innst inni veistu að á endanum renna saman allir straumar.
Allar hugsjónir verða utan tilveru.
Allt hold ormafæði.
The Feral Wisdom
2013 Demonhood Productions
01 Sex Augu, Tólf Stjörnur
02 Djöflasýra
03 Á Altari Meistarans
04 Iður Úti
Sex augu, tólf stjörnur,
með himinþokur milli fingra sér.
Sveipaður myrkri og harmi,
drukknandi augu synda yfir það sem fyrir ber.
Leifar fjarlægra drauma finnast undir isilögðum sjáöldrum,
berjast þær sýnir um að komast upp a yfirborðið.
Vaki þú hyldýpi óskylt takmörkunum holdsins,
Leyf okkur að hvíla í faðmi þinum.
Að þekkja ásjónu vítislogana,
allar þessar óteljandi tennur.
Þínar sálhreinsandi hvítu klær,
Eftir hlutdeild í tilveru utan líkama.
Sú óendandi þjáning,
hve við þráum að þekkja form hennar,
að samtvinnast greipum logans.
Yfirstíga eðju holdsins,
að svífa.
Fuðra upp.
Eilíft líf,
bjögun hins illlýsanlega sjálfs,
orðin eru bitur lofsöngur,
og munnur okkar fullur af glerbrotum.
án andgiftar,
gleyptar hafa verið ófáar tennurnar.
Ódauðleg prísund umlykjandi,
aðgangur að djúpunum; hylling.
Vonarglætan kæfð.
Brenni þeir útlimir ófærir um að slá frá sér.
Rotni það hold af beinum sem getur ei brunnið.
Megi þessir tónar sveipa af hulunni,
þetta verk hreinsa burt sköpunarverkið.
Megi uppljómum tendrast í hugum allra.
Megi allt sem er,
vera ei meir.
Hent inn í óseðjandi hreinsunareldinn,
ráðgáturnar leystar og dauðinn eina frelsunarorðið.
Frelsuð frá tilveru.
Andinn dreginn á brott.
Við sjáum pyttinn.
Ginnungargap ofar öllum skilningarvitum,
líkama kaffærða í óyfirstíganlegum refsingum.
Endi allra ferðalaga.
Við heyrum sársaukaópin.
Þær fjarlægu raddir sem klifra upp hallarsalina.
Við lifum í draumaheim,
sársaukinn vekur ei.
Fingur titra, augun grípa í tómt.
Litir renna saman í eitt,
móðan smýgur sér í öll vit.
Við erum bundinn í dróma,
klædd sólinni.
Himneskum eldi.
Engin leið út.
Það hefur tóm augu,
drekkandi ódáinsveigar,
veitandi sýnir.
Óhugnaðurinn, fegurðin - allt þetta gall.
Kjaftur þessi gleypir allt,
öllum sökkt er ofan í svaðið.
Ormétnir líkamar engjast um,
hér er vaðið er í gegnum öskuna.
Klökkar eru hendurnar,
líkkistur neglurnar,
engin handfesta finnst í kórónu keisarans.
Finn ég á þessari stundu hvernig grafir okkar snertast.
Hin dýrslega viska,
rekur í sundur sálir og magnar upp sáluhliðin,
helblóm spretta í augnatóftum þess.
Í höfði skepnunnar eru svartir salir,
niðamyrkir gígar,
ærandi víddir þjáninga.
Það rís úr hafinu ,
eins og krabbamein.
Jarðarfararsálmur sem er leikinn á innyfli,
sultarhljóð sem fyllir himindjúpin.
Án hugsunar.
Þungt gnæfir þessi draummynd yfir alheimnum,
sem skinnhvítt rekald.
Í hvítlogandi flæðarmáli stjarnanna,
andað inn sem myrkri.
Dragsúg tómleikans.
Sálnahirðir úr fjólubláum reyk,
sem með heljargreipum sínum fer um helgidóminn,
bakvið dánargrímu,
undir flogaveikum básunuþyt.
Sannleikans eilífa djúp,
þar er bæli dýrsins,
vitfirring kæfð í reyk.
Frýs blóðþyrst hjartað.
Opnast dauðans gin,
Hungurvofunnar slóð,
hún er kviðrist og köld,
hér hægist andardráttur,
sést frosin mánamóða.
Þúsund stjörnur loga,
undir dökku kufli.
Umlykur dauðans myrkur.
Enni þess markað máttugum rúnum,
gullnir hlekkir glitra.
Fannhvítir faðmar vinda tannhjólin,
sligast undan klukknanna þunga hljóm,
beinanna klið.
Tungan er hljóð,
starir út í tómið og umritar ósagðar reglur.
Slæðingur þessi sameinast óminnishegranum.
Hugdettur um að vakna upp frá martröðinni,
hugmyndir um tilveru innan holds;
rifnar í sundur af hröfnum.
Svífur sjálfið yfir vötnunum,
ferðast út úr helli ofskynjanna,
fyrst sem seiður.
Út í gegnum gimsteinalagt höfuðið.
Úr munni þess sem biturt tvíeggjað sverð,
með sex vængi alsetta augum;
sem vitnisburður.
Sem sneiðir í sundur glerhafið,
skilin á milli raunveruleika og martraða.
lastmæling sem stígur upp úr undirdjúpum vímunnar,
ferðast í gegnum víddir.
Frá holdi til spádómsorða sem kollvarpa hásætum.
Aldauði og gnístur tanna,
þú hefur vakið meistarann.
Lagt er á höfuð hans ennisdjásn; líkneski dýrsins,
skarlatsrautt -purpurar gimsteinar perlur.
Á altari meistarans er gullbikar fullur viðurstyggðar,
brimfullar eru þessar skálar reiðinnar.
Hann drekkur þjáninguna þína og árvökul á þér eru hans augu,
Athygli hans jafn voðaleg og rödd ofan úr gröfinni.
Sú rödd sem lúðrablástur,
herlúðrar hljómandi úr kosmískum fjarska.
Hann gerir hreiður úr iðrum þínum,
tómarúm úr hjarta þínu.
Hann er klæddur sólinni og virðist snertur af eldi,
umlykjandi skuggar líkastir grimmu svartnættinu,
táknin þau öll öskra að seiðurinn hefur verið rofinn,
að lyklar undirdjúpanna hafi á svipstundu umbreyst í hlekki,
altarið sem þú hafðir ætlað sem fangelsi hefur orðið þín eigin gröf.
Iður úti,
allt verður eitt með ógleðinni.
Þú ert eins og blóðrauð vofa,
fálmar þínir strjúka mér.
Ég verð að fá að vita,
Getur þú umlukið allt?
Skapað list úr þjáningum?
Kviðrist himintáknin?
Rofið seiðhringinn?
Blæst þú í lúðrana?
Opnar þú hliðin?
Getur þú klófest geðveikina?
Étið upp sjúkdóminn og hrækt honum út?
Þú ert hér til að bera vitni.
Þessi grimmu augu,
dauðfarar sem ferðast í kyrrþey.
Þögul þau vaka yfir í hreinu skuggaformi,
Engin grið.
Náttúran lekur út um svöðusárið.
Þegar þú lætur mig síga ofan í jörðina þá grætur þú ekki fyrir mér,
þú grætur fyrir sjálfri þér af ótta við dauðann.
Að þú hafir aldrei verið neitt.
Myrkur þetta vofir yfir huga þínum því þú ert vansköpuð sál,
vafin saurugum vængjum.
Innst inni veistu að á endanum renna saman allir straumar.
Allar hugsjónir verða utan tilveru.
Allt hold ormafæði.
Tortured Voice 2010 A Hate To The Weak (Demo)
Tortured Voice
A Hate To The Weak (Demo)
2010 Hellhouse 666 Productions
01 A Hate To The Weak
02 A Victimiser
03 I Tarried My Thought
04 A Hate To The Weak
05 A Victimiser
06 I Tarried My Thought
Once upon a time
My soul fell on earth
Then still I journey
Through cold dark land
My eyes are open wide
That is waiting and omening wind
A wind whispers me wizard
Now, cosmos creation by my hand
Suffered in waste
Nailed into mystery
Touched for underworld
A hate to the weak
Walking through my street of chest
There was only me with no future
See that soul's battle under the moon
In the biggest hall of black circle
Cold throne of black majestic eyes
What hidden in vain with eternal sleep
That prepared for his solitude way
In the biggest hall of dark victimiser
Cold atmospheres dwells around my soul
Suicidal being arrived from the dark
Acid existence is possessing my faith
I am gazing that victorous darkness
I know I tarried my thought till killed myself!!!
I Tarried My Thought
A Hate To The Weak (Demo)
2010 Hellhouse 666 Productions
01 A Hate To The Weak
02 A Victimiser
03 I Tarried My Thought
04 A Hate To The Weak
05 A Victimiser
06 I Tarried My Thought
Once upon a time
My soul fell on earth
Then still I journey
Through cold dark land
My eyes are open wide
That is waiting and omening wind
A wind whispers me wizard
Now, cosmos creation by my hand
Suffered in waste
Nailed into mystery
Touched for underworld
A hate to the weak
Walking through my street of chest
There was only me with no future
See that soul's battle under the moon
In the biggest hall of black circle
Cold throne of black majestic eyes
What hidden in vain with eternal sleep
That prepared for his solitude way
In the biggest hall of dark victimiser
Cold atmospheres dwells around my soul
Suicidal being arrived from the dark
Acid existence is possessing my faith
I am gazing that victorous darkness
I know I tarried my thought till killed myself!!!
I Tarried My Thought
Xanadoo 2010 Black. Death. Grind. Shit!
Black. Death. Grind. Shit!
01 World Of Xanadoo
02 Blood Is Dirt
03 This Song Is Shit
04 Subterranean Hemorrhoid Blues
05 Man Vs. Fetus
06 Plague Of Mankind
07 Republic Of Drones
08 Onwards To Death
Inspection Chaos
Called up to the drill
A pawn
At mercy of the sergeant's thrill
Blood my own
on my shirt
"dirty on parade" is the Sergeant's blurt
The world, is washing
out its stains
"We don't care about your pain"
The value of life
was then obscured
Because under this nation
Blood is Dirt
Get your gun
Hand grenade
Sent to die
Useless cattle
A genocide
War, erupts
Disaster unfolds
'Fight for your country'
is what we're told
Diplomacy, shattered
Crisis, attack
The sun, the heavens
are shrouded in black
Offensive manouvres
Land, air and sea
Mobilisation of the masses is free
Thousands die
Coming up the flank
Suits and ties
laugh their asses to the bank
Get your gun
Hand grenade
Sent to die
Useless cattle
A genocide
Blood is dirt
You're a pawn
You're a digit
Written small
First to go
Down at the warfront
It's not like TV
Gore and misery
Is all that you see
Death surrounds you
Terror from above
glory and honour
Is why you have come?
Blood is dirt
You're a pawn
You're a digit
Written small
First to go
Run out of things to say
Stupid thoughts are in the way
Run out of things to do
Trying hard to keep it try
Nothing is of any worth
Supply of lyrics are a dearth
Well of riffs is running dry
They key is to use "E or die!"
Try as I will
There's just nothing still
My thought process' stuck
I've run out of luck
A bloody toilet, how did I survive?
Excruciating pain
A growth tumor, that feels alive
Just below my tain't
Break into a cold sweat
Am I about to die?
Struggle to walk, feel the sting
Oh God, why choose I?
Sneeze and talk loudly, make it bleed
Hemorrhoid will get you, feet thy sting
The growth sent from lucifer, can't sit straight
Try to stuff it back in, but it's too late!
Stuff a tube up my ass
Humiliating shame
Hemorrhoid will never leave you
Expect more of the same
Next time you take a shit
Just let it flow
Cos if it ain't gonna happen
Just pinch the loaf
Running through the city
Pillaging the town
A giant looms large
Leaving bodies, unfound!
An undeveloped face
A three-fingered hand
Dead beady eyes
The fetus, attacks!
Fetus has come into town
Sucking on the peoples' tit
An embryonic deformation
That wants the human race to die
Giant shit everywhere
A lack of diapers dooms us all
Drool overflows the seas
World powers start to fall
Armies of the world unite
To kill the infant beast
Abortion clinics mobilise
Shooting at its slimy skin
Infancy will kill us all
Awaiting to attack
The fetus is out of control
The end times have become a fact
Fetus Attack
Fetus Attack
Abort them all
Fetus Attack
Towering over buildings
Stepping over cars
The giant fetus shadows over
The city is engulfed!
The armies attack
The bullets - no effect
Planes surround the beast
An attempt, to distract!
Fetus has come into town
Sucking on the peoples' tit
An embryonic deformation
That wants the human race to die
Giant shit everywhere
A lack of diapers dooms us all
Drool overflows the seas
World powers start to fall
Armies of the world unite
To kill the infant beast
Abortion clinics mobilise
Shooting at its slimy skin
Infancy will kill us all
Awaiting to attack
The fetus is out of control
The end times have become a fact
Fetus Attack
Fetus Attack
Abort them all
Fetus Attack
Tortured souls can't die in hell
under constant fear
Ripping skin, exposing flesh
Death becomes your peer
Pumping water through mouth
A morbid kiss of death
Chivalry, bravery
Seeps from your last breath
Press a button, millions die
The courageous warrior beams
He served his country well, he did
A model of bravery
Eating with no soul
Without thinking
The plague, of mankind
Greed in its breath
The plague, of mankind
The sun erupts the innocent die
Devastation nears
Future generations suffer
Infected by the years
Precision bombs, efficiency
The killing machine supreme
Atrocities well known to Man
The world ignores its screams
Dunking heads, a useless ritual
The death of a fellow man
Apologies an accident
'It did not go as planned'
Eating with no soul
Without thinking
The plague, of mankind
Greed in its breath
The plague, of mankind
Tortured souls can't die in hell
under constant fear
Ripping skin, exposing flesh
Death becomes your peer
Pumping water through mouth
A morbid kiss of death
Chivalry, bravery
Seeps from your last breath
Eating with no soul
Without thinking
The plague, of mankind
Greed in its breath
The plague, of mankind
Build on a culture of fear
Mindless, devoted we stand
Conforming to all that we hear
Heeding every command
Drain our feelings, poison our minds
Block our perception, make us seem blind
We the Republic
"Do it for your country body and soul"
Spread your message
To all young and old
we the republic
Chasing a do$ar till death
A coffin's all that I've left
Always yearning for more
Our soul and our culture we whore!
Drained of
Drained of all your FIGHT!
Pushed into a cell
Imprisoned with no RIGHTS!
On a straight path to
The public's abhorred
Like trophies of war
We blend the same blood
Spit on
Discarded & Destroyed
Flogged and left to die
Disposed of all your LIFE
My brother's my keeper
Black. Death. Grind. Shit!
01 World Of Xanadoo
02 Blood Is Dirt
03 This Song Is Shit
04 Subterranean Hemorrhoid Blues
05 Man Vs. Fetus
06 Plague Of Mankind
07 Republic Of Drones
08 Onwards To Death
Inspection Chaos
Called up to the drill
A pawn
At mercy of the sergeant's thrill
Blood my own
on my shirt
"dirty on parade" is the Sergeant's blurt
The world, is washing
out its stains
"We don't care about your pain"
The value of life
was then obscured
Because under this nation
Blood is Dirt
Get your gun
Hand grenade
Sent to die
Useless cattle
A genocide
War, erupts
Disaster unfolds
'Fight for your country'
is what we're told
Diplomacy, shattered
Crisis, attack
The sun, the heavens
are shrouded in black
Offensive manouvres
Land, air and sea
Mobilisation of the masses is free
Thousands die
Coming up the flank
Suits and ties
laugh their asses to the bank
Get your gun
Hand grenade
Sent to die
Useless cattle
A genocide
Blood is dirt
You're a pawn
You're a digit
Written small
First to go
Down at the warfront
It's not like TV
Gore and misery
Is all that you see
Death surrounds you
Terror from above
glory and honour
Is why you have come?
Blood is dirt
You're a pawn
You're a digit
Written small
First to go
Run out of things to say
Stupid thoughts are in the way
Run out of things to do
Trying hard to keep it try
Nothing is of any worth
Supply of lyrics are a dearth
Well of riffs is running dry
They key is to use "E or die!"
Try as I will
There's just nothing still
My thought process' stuck
I've run out of luck
A bloody toilet, how did I survive?
Excruciating pain
A growth tumor, that feels alive
Just below my tain't
Break into a cold sweat
Am I about to die?
Struggle to walk, feel the sting
Oh God, why choose I?
Sneeze and talk loudly, make it bleed
Hemorrhoid will get you, feet thy sting
The growth sent from lucifer, can't sit straight
Try to stuff it back in, but it's too late!
Stuff a tube up my ass
Humiliating shame
Hemorrhoid will never leave you
Expect more of the same
Next time you take a shit
Just let it flow
Cos if it ain't gonna happen
Just pinch the loaf
Running through the city
Pillaging the town
A giant looms large
Leaving bodies, unfound!
An undeveloped face
A three-fingered hand
Dead beady eyes
The fetus, attacks!
Fetus has come into town
Sucking on the peoples' tit
An embryonic deformation
That wants the human race to die
Giant shit everywhere
A lack of diapers dooms us all
Drool overflows the seas
World powers start to fall
Armies of the world unite
To kill the infant beast
Abortion clinics mobilise
Shooting at its slimy skin
Infancy will kill us all
Awaiting to attack
The fetus is out of control
The end times have become a fact
Fetus Attack
Fetus Attack
Abort them all
Fetus Attack
Towering over buildings
Stepping over cars
The giant fetus shadows over
The city is engulfed!
The armies attack
The bullets - no effect
Planes surround the beast
An attempt, to distract!
Fetus has come into town
Sucking on the peoples' tit
An embryonic deformation
That wants the human race to die
Giant shit everywhere
A lack of diapers dooms us all
Drool overflows the seas
World powers start to fall
Armies of the world unite
To kill the infant beast
Abortion clinics mobilise
Shooting at its slimy skin
Infancy will kill us all
Awaiting to attack
The fetus is out of control
The end times have become a fact
Fetus Attack
Fetus Attack
Abort them all
Fetus Attack
Tortured souls can't die in hell
under constant fear
Ripping skin, exposing flesh
Death becomes your peer
Pumping water through mouth
A morbid kiss of death
Chivalry, bravery
Seeps from your last breath
Press a button, millions die
The courageous warrior beams
He served his country well, he did
A model of bravery
Eating with no soul
Without thinking
The plague, of mankind
Greed in its breath
The plague, of mankind
The sun erupts the innocent die
Devastation nears
Future generations suffer
Infected by the years
Precision bombs, efficiency
The killing machine supreme
Atrocities well known to Man
The world ignores its screams
Dunking heads, a useless ritual
The death of a fellow man
Apologies an accident
'It did not go as planned'
Eating with no soul
Without thinking
The plague, of mankind
Greed in its breath
The plague, of mankind
Tortured souls can't die in hell
under constant fear
Ripping skin, exposing flesh
Death becomes your peer
Pumping water through mouth
A morbid kiss of death
Chivalry, bravery
Seeps from your last breath
Eating with no soul
Without thinking
The plague, of mankind
Greed in its breath
The plague, of mankind
Build on a culture of fear
Mindless, devoted we stand
Conforming to all that we hear
Heeding every command
Drain our feelings, poison our minds
Block our perception, make us seem blind
We the Republic
"Do it for your country body and soul"
Spread your message
To all young and old
we the republic
Chasing a do$ar till death
A coffin's all that I've left
Always yearning for more
Our soul and our culture we whore!
Drained of
Drained of all your FIGHT!
Pushed into a cell
Imprisoned with no RIGHTS!
On a straight path to
The public's abhorred
Like trophies of war
We blend the same blood
Spit on
Discarded & Destroyed
Flogged and left to die
Disposed of all your LIFE
My brother's my keeper
Xanadoo 2009 This Demo Is Shit (Demo)
This Demo Is Shit (Demo)
01 This Song Is Shit
02 RxOxDx
03 Onwards To Death
Run out things to say
Stupid thoughts are in the way
Run out of things to do
Trying hard to keep it true
Nothing is of any worth
Supply of lyrics are a dearth
Well of riffs is running dry
Key to use: "E or Die!"
Try as I will
There's just nothing still
My thought process' stick
I've run out of luck
This song is shit!
This song is shit!
Built on a culture of fear
Mindless, devoted we stand
Conforming to all that we hear
Heeding every command
Drain our feelings
Poison our minds
Block our perception
Make us seem blind
"Do it for your country
Body and soul"
Spread your message
To all young and old
We the Republic
Republic of Drones
Chasing a dollar to death
A coffin's all that I've left
Always yearning for more
Our soul and our culture we whore
Drain our feelings
Poison our minds
Block our perception
Make us seem blind
"Do it for your country
Body and soul"
Spread your message
To all young and old
We the Republic
Republic of Drones
Drained of
Drained of all your fight
Pushed into a cell
Imprisoned with no rights
On a straight path to
Imposed, enforced, received
A prisoner, society's deceived
The public's abhorred
Like trophies of war
We bleed the same blood
Onwards to death!
Spit on
Discarded and destroyed
Flogged and left to die
Disposed of all your life
My brother's my keeper
This Demo Is Shit (Demo)
01 This Song Is Shit
02 RxOxDx
03 Onwards To Death
Run out things to say
Stupid thoughts are in the way
Run out of things to do
Trying hard to keep it true
Nothing is of any worth
Supply of lyrics are a dearth
Well of riffs is running dry
Key to use: "E or Die!"
Try as I will
There's just nothing still
My thought process' stick
I've run out of luck
This song is shit!
This song is shit!
Built on a culture of fear
Mindless, devoted we stand
Conforming to all that we hear
Heeding every command
Drain our feelings
Poison our minds
Block our perception
Make us seem blind
"Do it for your country
Body and soul"
Spread your message
To all young and old
We the Republic
Republic of Drones
Chasing a dollar to death
A coffin's all that I've left
Always yearning for more
Our soul and our culture we whore
Drain our feelings
Poison our minds
Block our perception
Make us seem blind
"Do it for your country
Body and soul"
Spread your message
To all young and old
We the Republic
Republic of Drones
Drained of
Drained of all your fight
Pushed into a cell
Imprisoned with no rights
On a straight path to
Imposed, enforced, received
A prisoner, society's deceived
The public's abhorred
Like trophies of war
We bleed the same blood
Onwards to death!
Spit on
Discarded and destroyed
Flogged and left to die
Disposed of all your life
My brother's my keeper
UÇK Grind 2007 Justice (EP)
UÇK Grind
Justice (EP)
01 Intro (Only Death Is Real)
02 Justice
03 Trust Or Grind
04 Corruption (Death Room Cover)
05 Ne Umiray (Shturtzite Cover)
We have no many messages and not many words to say.
We are not the ones who will prevent the downfall of the human race.
Only death is real.
justice, justice and pride. in the gasroom no more crime.
we are the new style of justice. we are the old way of life.
justice, justice and pride. in the gasroom no more crime.
we are the new hope of future. we are the punishers of your fears.
today, tomorrow, forever justice.
we are the punishers of your fears.
we are justice. we are justice.
Do you still believe in justice? Do you still believe in the system?
Fight! Fight for your rights! Kill! Kill stay alive!
Fight! Fight for your rights! Kill! Kill stay survive!
Do you still believe in Law? And do you still trust in god?
Fight! Fight for your rights! Kill! Kill stay alive!
Fight! Fight for your rights! Kill! Kill stay survive!
In god they trust. In UÇK we Grind!
Night is dark and silent. Clouds are grey but violent.
In my head i hear echoes of my steps.
Existence of universe is necessary.
And the meaningless human race deserves to die.
Every second every year have no any meaning here.
And the point of this life is to wait to close these eyes.
Corruption start at the top.
And the fish begins to stink at the head.
Justice (EP)
01 Intro (Only Death Is Real)
02 Justice
03 Trust Or Grind
04 Corruption (Death Room Cover)
05 Ne Umiray (Shturtzite Cover)
We have no many messages and not many words to say.
We are not the ones who will prevent the downfall of the human race.
Only death is real.
justice, justice and pride. in the gasroom no more crime.
we are the new style of justice. we are the old way of life.
justice, justice and pride. in the gasroom no more crime.
we are the new hope of future. we are the punishers of your fears.
today, tomorrow, forever justice.
we are the punishers of your fears.
we are justice. we are justice.
Do you still believe in justice? Do you still believe in the system?
Fight! Fight for your rights! Kill! Kill stay alive!
Fight! Fight for your rights! Kill! Kill stay survive!
Do you still believe in Law? And do you still trust in god?
Fight! Fight for your rights! Kill! Kill stay alive!
Fight! Fight for your rights! Kill! Kill stay survive!
In god they trust. In UÇK we Grind!
Night is dark and silent. Clouds are grey but violent.
In my head i hear echoes of my steps.
Existence of universe is necessary.
And the meaningless human race deserves to die.
Every second every year have no any meaning here.
And the point of this life is to wait to close these eyes.
Corruption start at the top.
And the fish begins to stink at the head.
Xatarnite 2006 Infernal Flames Of Tyrant (Demo)
Infernal Flames Of Tyrant (Demo)
01 Portrait Of Blackrose
02 Rebirth Of Satan
03 Weeping Of Angels
04 We Are One
05 Drifting Away Into The Pits Of Hell
In the pits of hell
The migh of god has fell
The demons have shown
The path that leads to bones
The stars have shown the signs
The whispering of these man made lines
Chorus: Destroy!!!!!
Darkness i serve Defiend to God
Nightfall Of Demons
From Far away lead their mysteries
I cry when Angels die
The guilty Priest have embarked their christ to the rampling stones of ice
Demonic Satanic
By the Arial Christ thats crossed
Desire within
The succubus have woed their woe
Succumb for hell
The path which leads to holliness
The stars have shown the signs
The whispering of these man made lines
The guilty priest have embarked their christ
To the rampling stones of ice
Sathane from Hell
The adversaryof mankind
Creation of God
Has to worship clay which matters not
Chorus: Repeat
From The raging Grimoires
The necromantic pentagram
The wicca's have turned
To join the mystery pagan's land
The guardian of the gates
With Their fairy maids
Shall enter the throne of twilight
The mourning sun
Has never begun
With skies that blind our eyes
In the darkness i shall serve
The holy seems to see this curse
The human spread from good to worst
With regret and remourse
To an endings that's Frost
(Repeat 2 times)
DIE!!!! DIE!!!! DIE!!!! DIE!!!!
In my name i go
Lucifer the world
These unbeings
fought with christ
Die my minions
Die with pride
Die with demons
Die by lie
(repeat 2 times)
In this place with my hideos emotions
Stand by me be with me in this life
In this place which i call this DAMFAR
Suicide, Xatarnite will be your pride
CHORUS: Now where is your God?
Now where is your Priest?
Where is your Leader?
(repeat 2 times)
Die my minions
Die with pride
Die with demons
Die by Lie.......
In this Place with my hideous emotions
Stand by me be with me in this life
In this place which i call this DAMFAR
Suicide, Xatarnite will be your pride.......
1 BY 1 These Demons Flow
Down To Earth They Grow
The Weeping of these Angels Lie
Right Before my Very Eyes
I, I scream their lungs out
Tear their WINGS Centuries i tried
Now those chances are Mine!!!!!!!
None shall be standing at Night
Shall be standing there AWIDE
With their broken Wings BESIDE!!!!!
Hail to my master...
Which brings glory to darkness
Xatarnite, my name
Holy servant of satan
Loyal to you as you plead
Xatareans, my follower, my believers..
Hail to us serve me blood
Servants are waiting to serve us
We Are One...
We are one, the only one true
Loayal and faith to our master
Xatarnite, i bring and serve
The evil bathory that mend
As the ritual of 666
I, xatareans the only one
Serve its master of satan
Only one, the only bred of hell
We are one, we are one..
We are one..
We are one..
We are one..
We are one..
We are one..
We are one..
We are one..
(gore) ahhhh....
We are the (gore)hordes
In The name of (gore)SATAN
Rise from (gore)Beneath
The darkening days of (gore)Apocalypse
(gore)In Nomine Satani
(gore)Non Patasme
(gore)Expellore Zakertus
In the name of (gore)SATAN
I dare (gore)you
Repeat Chorus
(gore)Another Mark,Of 666
(gore)We are the hordes
(gore)Of the abyss
(gore)Another light,shall drift away
(gore)Malice Hatred Complacent
(gore)They shall stay
(gore)Another mark of 666
(gore)We are the hordes
(gore)Of the abyss
Whisper: Iad Oi Asamomare
Natra Aeus Expellore
Iad Oi Asamomare
Natra Aeus Expellore
Iad Oi Asamomare
Natra Aeus Expellore
In Nomine Satani
Non patasme
Expellore Zarketus
Satani,(gore)Satani,In nomine Satania!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Infernal Flames Of Tyrant (Demo)
01 Portrait Of Blackrose
02 Rebirth Of Satan
03 Weeping Of Angels
04 We Are One
05 Drifting Away Into The Pits Of Hell
In the pits of hell
The migh of god has fell
The demons have shown
The path that leads to bones
The stars have shown the signs
The whispering of these man made lines
Chorus: Destroy!!!!!
Darkness i serve Defiend to God
Nightfall Of Demons
From Far away lead their mysteries
I cry when Angels die
The guilty Priest have embarked their christ to the rampling stones of ice
Demonic Satanic
By the Arial Christ thats crossed
Desire within
The succubus have woed their woe
Succumb for hell
The path which leads to holliness
The stars have shown the signs
The whispering of these man made lines
The guilty priest have embarked their christ
To the rampling stones of ice
Sathane from Hell
The adversaryof mankind
Creation of God
Has to worship clay which matters not
Chorus: Repeat
From The raging Grimoires
The necromantic pentagram
The wicca's have turned
To join the mystery pagan's land
The guardian of the gates
With Their fairy maids
Shall enter the throne of twilight
The mourning sun
Has never begun
With skies that blind our eyes
In the darkness i shall serve
The holy seems to see this curse
The human spread from good to worst
With regret and remourse
To an endings that's Frost
(Repeat 2 times)
DIE!!!! DIE!!!! DIE!!!! DIE!!!!
In my name i go
Lucifer the world
These unbeings
fought with christ
Die my minions
Die with pride
Die with demons
Die by lie
(repeat 2 times)
In this place with my hideos emotions
Stand by me be with me in this life
In this place which i call this DAMFAR
Suicide, Xatarnite will be your pride
CHORUS: Now where is your God?
Now where is your Priest?
Where is your Leader?
(repeat 2 times)
Die my minions
Die with pride
Die with demons
Die by Lie.......
In this Place with my hideous emotions
Stand by me be with me in this life
In this place which i call this DAMFAR
Suicide, Xatarnite will be your pride.......
1 BY 1 These Demons Flow
Down To Earth They Grow
The Weeping of these Angels Lie
Right Before my Very Eyes
I, I scream their lungs out
Tear their WINGS Centuries i tried
Now those chances are Mine!!!!!!!
None shall be standing at Night
Shall be standing there AWIDE
With their broken Wings BESIDE!!!!!
Hail to my master...
Which brings glory to darkness
Xatarnite, my name
Holy servant of satan
Loyal to you as you plead
Xatareans, my follower, my believers..
Hail to us serve me blood
Servants are waiting to serve us
We Are One...
We are one, the only one true
Loayal and faith to our master
Xatarnite, i bring and serve
The evil bathory that mend
As the ritual of 666
I, xatareans the only one
Serve its master of satan
Only one, the only bred of hell
We are one, we are one..
We are one..
We are one..
We are one..
We are one..
We are one..
We are one..
We are one..
(gore) ahhhh....
We are the (gore)hordes
In The name of (gore)SATAN
Rise from (gore)Beneath
The darkening days of (gore)Apocalypse
(gore)In Nomine Satani
(gore)Non Patasme
(gore)Expellore Zakertus
In the name of (gore)SATAN
I dare (gore)you
Repeat Chorus
(gore)Another Mark,Of 666
(gore)We are the hordes
(gore)Of the abyss
(gore)Another light,shall drift away
(gore)Malice Hatred Complacent
(gore)They shall stay
(gore)Another mark of 666
(gore)We are the hordes
(gore)Of the abyss
Whisper: Iad Oi Asamomare
Natra Aeus Expellore
Iad Oi Asamomare
Natra Aeus Expellore
Iad Oi Asamomare
Natra Aeus Expellore
In Nomine Satani
Non patasme
Expellore Zarketus
Satani,(gore)Satani,In nomine Satania!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zardanadam 2006 Kalbim Yok
Kalbim Yok
01 Kalbim Yok
02 Öldür Beni
03 Park Yasak
04 Sen
05 Gözümün Yaşını Sildim Ben
06 Benim Yolum Ayrı
07 Bırak İşini
08 Tembellik Hakkı
09 Kaçacağım
10 Sana Bir Çift Sözüm Var
11 Yeniden
12 Rövanş
13 Ayna Ayna Söyle Bana
Bu kaçıncı bilmiyorum,
Ama artık yoruldun biliyorum.
Ben nasıl böyle olduğumu,
Ne zaman nefretle dolduğumu,
Anlamıyorum halimden,
Nasıl da mutlu olduğumu.
Yazık bana! Yazık sana!
Yazık onca yaşanan yıllara!
Yeter bana! Yeter sana!
Beni bırak artık belamla,
Çarp kapıyı çık, bırak beni arkanda!
Varımı al, yok kalayım ben.
Yaramı sarma, ölümüm elinden.
Yarını sayma, bugün geç bile,
Nedeni yok, kalbim yok yine!
Acını ver, bende hiç kalmadı,
Sonra kaç, delirdim yine.
Ben bile sevmez oldum beni,
Sen niye? Kalbim yok bile!
Kalbim yok, itin tekiyim ben!
Kalbim yok, itin tekiyim ben!
Kalbim yok, itin tekiyim ben!
Kalbim yok, itin tekiyim ben!
Söz - Müzik: Utku Doğruak
Çıktın karşıma yıktın düzenimi,
Dalgalarına kırdın dümenimi,
Bir zehir gibi sardın bedenimi,
Şimdi, ne olur gitme...
Söyle bana büyü müsün, düş müsün,
Yağmurdan sonra açan güneş misin,
Şarap mısın yoksa aşk mısın?
Şimdi, ne olur...
Gitme! Ya da beni de götür cebinde,
Sözüm söz bak rahat dururum yerimde,
Öldür beni! Ya da beni al içine,
Kendimi unutur sen olurum, içimde sen, senin içinde.
Çıktın karşıma yıktın düzenimi,
Dalgalarına kırdın dümenimi,
Bir zehir gibi sardın bedenimi,
Şimdi, ne olur gitme...
Söyle bana yarın mısın, dün müsün,
Kaybolmuş çiğe düşen gün müsün,
Boğazımda şiirli düğüm müsün?
Şimdi, ne olur...
Söz - Müzik: Tolga Kaya
Bas Gitar: Utku Kırca
Klavye: Selen Gülün
Çok eskiden inanırdım ben aşka,
Çarpardı sanki kalbim bir başka.
Kırıldı kalbim sayamadım kaç parça,
Anca geldi aklım başıma bu yaşta.
Rock'n'roll kurtar beni bu dertten,
Değişeversin hayatın ritmi birden.
Gelen gelsin, giden gitsin, bitsin,
Gelip de kimse bu kalbe park etmesin, park etmesin.
Çok eskiden inanırdım ben aşka,
Çarpardı sanki kalbim bir başka.
Kırıldı kalbim sayamadım kaç parça,
Anca geldi aklım başıma bu yaşta.
Rock'n'roll kurtar beni bu dertten,
Değişeversin hayatın ritmi birden.
Gelen gelsin, giden gitsin, bitsin,
Gelip de kimse bu kalbe park etmesin, park etmesin.
Olur da yeniden, severse şu deli gönlüm,
Sessiz olsun, kimse fark etmesin...
Söz - Müzik: Erbatur Çavuşoğlu
Klavye: Selen Gülün
İçerde uyuyorsun mışıl mışıl,
Zamanın ağırlığı omzunda.
Bir kalp daha atıyor içinde,
Minik minik...
Kar yağıyor usul usul,
Beyazlar öpüyor sokakları dudağından,
Bir şarkı söylüyor kendini,
Yavaş yavaş...
Sen karşıma çıkan en güzel şeysin,
Bırak da sözlerim yüreğine değsin.
Yarın sensizlikle gelecekse,
Varsın ömrüm bugün bitsin.
İçimde büyüyorsun deniz deniz,
Maviler kesiyor kendini boğazından,
Bir kız büyüyor kulesinde,
Dalga dalga...
Söz - Müzik: Tolga Kaya
Klavye: Selen Gülün
Gözümün yaşını sildim ben,
Koşamam kimsenin peşinden.
Varsın olmasın bu aşklar,
Çektiklerim yeter bana.
Deli gibi dönemem ben,
Yanıldım söylemem,
Sorunları çözemedim,
Sonra gittin, ben de bittim.
Şimdi artık yalnız başıma,
Kaldım ama dönmem sana,
Yok olanları getir bana.
Öldün sen! Benim için öldün!
Sen öldün! Benim için öldün!
Arkamı dönüp şimdi sana,
Bakmam bile yalvarsan da!
Söz - Müzik: Utku Doğruak
Eğriyi kendinde arayan,
Doğruyu kalbinde bulur.
Aşkına emekle yürüyen,
Dermanı derdinde görür.
Zamanı saate soran,
Ölümü vakitsiz bulur.
Düşmanı dışarda sanan,
Hainin koynunda uyur.
Sizin yolunuz ayrı,
Benim yolum ayrı.
Sevemedim diye dünyayı,
Terk edecek hiç değilim!
Sizin yolunuz ayrı,
Benim yolum ayrı.
Mahvettiniz diye dünyayı,
Vazgeçecek hiç değilim!
Özgürlüğü pazarda arayan,
Eşitliği mezarda bulur.
Kardeşliği kışlada yaşayan,
Barbarlığı aynada görür.
Zardanadam özünü bilir,
Yanlışının izini bulur.
Melekteki şeytanı görür,
Sıkılmadan yüzüne vurur.
Söz - Müzik: Tolga Kaya
Vokal: Tolga Kaya
Güzel bir gün, sorun yok.
Her şey aynı, herkes sağlam.
Aynı yollar, hep aynı sokaklar,
Adımlar aynı, yavaş, sessiz...
Bugün güzel bir gün, sorun yok.
Dün gibi aynı, gün gibi belli.
Her şey yerinde, donmuş zaman
Olsun biliyorum, yarın var!
Bırak işini, çık dışarıya!
Yaşam değil bu, bak yukarıya!
Çek fişini, kop artık, bağlandığın yeter,
Köpek gibi yıllarca! Köle gibi yıllarca!
Güzel bir gün, sorun yok.
Dün gibi aynı, gün gibi belli.
Her şey yerinde, donmuş zaman
Olsun biliyorum, yarın var!
Bugün varız, en azından varız,
Tamız, farksız ama biraz azız.
Zor geliyor, dar geliyor,
Yaşamın farkındayız! Yaşamın farkındayız!
Söz - Müzik: Utku Doğruak
Çok cazip bir teklifti; kimse gelmiyor...
Aradım herkesi; herkes hayatı erteliyor...
Özlemişim bu mereti; doğrusu yalnız pek gitmiyor...
Hayat uslandır beni; hayat çalıştır.
Hayat alıştır beni; bu bir yarıştır.
İşte tatil düşüneyim; tatilde işi,
Ve "çılgın" hissedeyim kırınca işi...
Öngörülmüş arızalar normal;
Böyle sistemin işleyişi...
Söz - Müzik: Erbatur Çavuşoğlu
Ne sevda sığar içime,
Ne sevinç, ne hüzün.
Bir başka olurum,
Yağmur yağınca.
Kaçacağım bir gün buralardan,
Gözlerimi kapatıp, gökkuşağı düşleyerek...
Al beni rüzgar götür uzaklara,
Götür sonsuza...
Ne umut kaldı içimde,
Ne gözümde gözyaşı.
Nasıl aşsam,
Yüreğimdeki uçurumları?
Söz - Müzik: Erbatur Çavuşoğlu
Klavye: Selen Gülün
Gelsem, alsam, götürsem seni,
Güneşli aşk dolu bir gün geçirsek,
İşleri, güçleri, borçları, harçları,
Dersleri, tasaları azıcık unutsak!
Gezsek, tozsak, elele tutuşsak,
Sıradışı, delidolu bir gün geçirsek,
Biraları devirip, dünyayı çevirip,
Geçmişi, geleceği azıcık unutsak!
Sana bir çift sözüm var:
Benim sende gözüm var!
Seni gördüğüm o ilk andan beri,
Şu kalbimde izin var...
Toku az, açı bol, savaşı bitmez;
Kavga dövüşsüz bir günü geçmez,
Ezileni, ezeni yalan dünya;
Zengine, fakire kimseye kalmaz.
Çalışır, didinir, yuvamızı yaparım,
Kariyer dersen çocuğa da bakarım,
Sen yanımda olduktan sonra,
Bir yastıkta bin kere de kocarım!
Söz - Müzik: Tolga Kaya
Dünyanın bezgini, hayaller gezgini,
Nereye kadar kaçacaksın yaşamdan?
Dünyanın kırgını, hayatın yılgını,
Nereye kadar kaçacaksın yaşamdan?
Bir sabah vakti,
Maviler okşarken tekneleri,
Tutuver yeniden,
Yaşamın ellerini!
Hayatın yorgunu, güneşin dargını,
Nereye kadar kaçacaksın yaşamdan?
Gönüller kaçkını, sevdalar bıkkını,
Nereye kadar kaçacaksın yaşamdan?
Bir akşam vakti,
Martılar oksarken mavileri,
Tutuver yeniden,
Yaşamın ellerini!
Söz - Müzik: Erbatur Çavuşoğlu
Bas Gitar: Utku Kırca
Kolayca sığdı cebime faturalardan arta kalan,
Asil kanıma karışacak zaten onlar da birazdan.
"Bana bir eğlence medet" modunda takılıp bütün gece,
En azından kendimce intikam alacağım hayattan...
Bir planım yok, sokaklar yönlendirir beni, nasılsa...
Bu kadehi yuvarlayıp, kalkmalıyım artık buradan;
Çok olmaya başladı bu sarhoş akreple yelkovan.
Mağduru oynayıp; ağlayınca birazcık şu köşede,
Ez azından kendimce intikam alacağım hayattan...
Bir planım yok, sokaklar yönlendirir beni, nasılsa...
Kaybedenlerin kentinde avare avare gezinip,
Kırılacak kalpler içinden en masumunu seçeceğim!
Kaybedenlerin kentinde; incitebilme yeteneğimle;
En azından kendimce intikam alacağım hayattan...
Kaybedenlerin kentinde, kalp kırma becerimle,
En azından kendimce, rövanşı alacağım hayattan...
Hayata olan öfkemi kusup, bir süre için iyi hissedeceğim...
Söz - Müzik: Erbatur Çavuşoğlu
Kafamı kuma gömsem de, duymasam bu rezil sesleri,
Nereye gidersem gideyim ensemde hep nefesleri,
Çatlamam, patlamam, her gördüğüm boka atlamam,
Gitarımı yerim yine de yutmam hazır tabletleri.
Beni müzikten soğuttunuz, yüreğimi kuruttunuz,
Çocukluk hayallerimi aldınız yere vurdunuz,
Size ruhumu açtım, yalnızlığımı paylaştım,
Elimi tutmak yerine, beni zincire vurdunuz.
Ayna ayna söyle bana var mı bizden güzeli,
Gölgemden kaçar oldum ben bu işten bezeli!
Ayna ayna göster bana var mı bir çıkış yolu,
Kendimden korkar oldum ben bu işe gireli!
Yazılır, çizilir, her gün biri kurban edilir,
Ezilir, büzülür, forum görür aslan kesilir,
"Ben takmam bunları, kime ne?" desem de inanma,
Boğazımda bir düğüm, bükülür boynum, kalbim çizilir.
Söz - Müzik: Tolga Kaya - Utku Doğruak
Kalbim Yok
01 Kalbim Yok
02 Öldür Beni
03 Park Yasak
04 Sen
05 Gözümün Yaşını Sildim Ben
06 Benim Yolum Ayrı
07 Bırak İşini
08 Tembellik Hakkı
09 Kaçacağım
10 Sana Bir Çift Sözüm Var
11 Yeniden
12 Rövanş
13 Ayna Ayna Söyle Bana
Bu kaçıncı bilmiyorum,
Ama artık yoruldun biliyorum.
Ben nasıl böyle olduğumu,
Ne zaman nefretle dolduğumu,
Anlamıyorum halimden,
Nasıl da mutlu olduğumu.
Yazık bana! Yazık sana!
Yazık onca yaşanan yıllara!
Yeter bana! Yeter sana!
Beni bırak artık belamla,
Çarp kapıyı çık, bırak beni arkanda!
Varımı al, yok kalayım ben.
Yaramı sarma, ölümüm elinden.
Yarını sayma, bugün geç bile,
Nedeni yok, kalbim yok yine!
Acını ver, bende hiç kalmadı,
Sonra kaç, delirdim yine.
Ben bile sevmez oldum beni,
Sen niye? Kalbim yok bile!
Kalbim yok, itin tekiyim ben!
Kalbim yok, itin tekiyim ben!
Kalbim yok, itin tekiyim ben!
Kalbim yok, itin tekiyim ben!
Söz - Müzik: Utku Doğruak
Çıktın karşıma yıktın düzenimi,
Dalgalarına kırdın dümenimi,
Bir zehir gibi sardın bedenimi,
Şimdi, ne olur gitme...
Söyle bana büyü müsün, düş müsün,
Yağmurdan sonra açan güneş misin,
Şarap mısın yoksa aşk mısın?
Şimdi, ne olur...
Gitme! Ya da beni de götür cebinde,
Sözüm söz bak rahat dururum yerimde,
Öldür beni! Ya da beni al içine,
Kendimi unutur sen olurum, içimde sen, senin içinde.
Çıktın karşıma yıktın düzenimi,
Dalgalarına kırdın dümenimi,
Bir zehir gibi sardın bedenimi,
Şimdi, ne olur gitme...
Söyle bana yarın mısın, dün müsün,
Kaybolmuş çiğe düşen gün müsün,
Boğazımda şiirli düğüm müsün?
Şimdi, ne olur...
Söz - Müzik: Tolga Kaya
Bas Gitar: Utku Kırca
Klavye: Selen Gülün
Çok eskiden inanırdım ben aşka,
Çarpardı sanki kalbim bir başka.
Kırıldı kalbim sayamadım kaç parça,
Anca geldi aklım başıma bu yaşta.
Rock'n'roll kurtar beni bu dertten,
Değişeversin hayatın ritmi birden.
Gelen gelsin, giden gitsin, bitsin,
Gelip de kimse bu kalbe park etmesin, park etmesin.
Çok eskiden inanırdım ben aşka,
Çarpardı sanki kalbim bir başka.
Kırıldı kalbim sayamadım kaç parça,
Anca geldi aklım başıma bu yaşta.
Rock'n'roll kurtar beni bu dertten,
Değişeversin hayatın ritmi birden.
Gelen gelsin, giden gitsin, bitsin,
Gelip de kimse bu kalbe park etmesin, park etmesin.
Olur da yeniden, severse şu deli gönlüm,
Sessiz olsun, kimse fark etmesin...
Söz - Müzik: Erbatur Çavuşoğlu
Klavye: Selen Gülün
İçerde uyuyorsun mışıl mışıl,
Zamanın ağırlığı omzunda.
Bir kalp daha atıyor içinde,
Minik minik...
Kar yağıyor usul usul,
Beyazlar öpüyor sokakları dudağından,
Bir şarkı söylüyor kendini,
Yavaş yavaş...
Sen karşıma çıkan en güzel şeysin,
Bırak da sözlerim yüreğine değsin.
Yarın sensizlikle gelecekse,
Varsın ömrüm bugün bitsin.
İçimde büyüyorsun deniz deniz,
Maviler kesiyor kendini boğazından,
Bir kız büyüyor kulesinde,
Dalga dalga...
Söz - Müzik: Tolga Kaya
Klavye: Selen Gülün
Gözümün yaşını sildim ben,
Koşamam kimsenin peşinden.
Varsın olmasın bu aşklar,
Çektiklerim yeter bana.
Deli gibi dönemem ben,
Yanıldım söylemem,
Sorunları çözemedim,
Sonra gittin, ben de bittim.
Şimdi artık yalnız başıma,
Kaldım ama dönmem sana,
Yok olanları getir bana.
Öldün sen! Benim için öldün!
Sen öldün! Benim için öldün!
Arkamı dönüp şimdi sana,
Bakmam bile yalvarsan da!
Söz - Müzik: Utku Doğruak
Eğriyi kendinde arayan,
Doğruyu kalbinde bulur.
Aşkına emekle yürüyen,
Dermanı derdinde görür.
Zamanı saate soran,
Ölümü vakitsiz bulur.
Düşmanı dışarda sanan,
Hainin koynunda uyur.
Sizin yolunuz ayrı,
Benim yolum ayrı.
Sevemedim diye dünyayı,
Terk edecek hiç değilim!
Sizin yolunuz ayrı,
Benim yolum ayrı.
Mahvettiniz diye dünyayı,
Vazgeçecek hiç değilim!
Özgürlüğü pazarda arayan,
Eşitliği mezarda bulur.
Kardeşliği kışlada yaşayan,
Barbarlığı aynada görür.
Zardanadam özünü bilir,
Yanlışının izini bulur.
Melekteki şeytanı görür,
Sıkılmadan yüzüne vurur.
Söz - Müzik: Tolga Kaya
Vokal: Tolga Kaya
Güzel bir gün, sorun yok.
Her şey aynı, herkes sağlam.
Aynı yollar, hep aynı sokaklar,
Adımlar aynı, yavaş, sessiz...
Bugün güzel bir gün, sorun yok.
Dün gibi aynı, gün gibi belli.
Her şey yerinde, donmuş zaman
Olsun biliyorum, yarın var!
Bırak işini, çık dışarıya!
Yaşam değil bu, bak yukarıya!
Çek fişini, kop artık, bağlandığın yeter,
Köpek gibi yıllarca! Köle gibi yıllarca!
Güzel bir gün, sorun yok.
Dün gibi aynı, gün gibi belli.
Her şey yerinde, donmuş zaman
Olsun biliyorum, yarın var!
Bugün varız, en azından varız,
Tamız, farksız ama biraz azız.
Zor geliyor, dar geliyor,
Yaşamın farkındayız! Yaşamın farkındayız!
Söz - Müzik: Utku Doğruak
Çok cazip bir teklifti; kimse gelmiyor...
Aradım herkesi; herkes hayatı erteliyor...
Özlemişim bu mereti; doğrusu yalnız pek gitmiyor...
Hayat uslandır beni; hayat çalıştır.
Hayat alıştır beni; bu bir yarıştır.
İşte tatil düşüneyim; tatilde işi,
Ve "çılgın" hissedeyim kırınca işi...
Öngörülmüş arızalar normal;
Böyle sistemin işleyişi...
Söz - Müzik: Erbatur Çavuşoğlu
Ne sevda sığar içime,
Ne sevinç, ne hüzün.
Bir başka olurum,
Yağmur yağınca.
Kaçacağım bir gün buralardan,
Gözlerimi kapatıp, gökkuşağı düşleyerek...
Al beni rüzgar götür uzaklara,
Götür sonsuza...
Ne umut kaldı içimde,
Ne gözümde gözyaşı.
Nasıl aşsam,
Yüreğimdeki uçurumları?
Söz - Müzik: Erbatur Çavuşoğlu
Klavye: Selen Gülün
Gelsem, alsam, götürsem seni,
Güneşli aşk dolu bir gün geçirsek,
İşleri, güçleri, borçları, harçları,
Dersleri, tasaları azıcık unutsak!
Gezsek, tozsak, elele tutuşsak,
Sıradışı, delidolu bir gün geçirsek,
Biraları devirip, dünyayı çevirip,
Geçmişi, geleceği azıcık unutsak!
Sana bir çift sözüm var:
Benim sende gözüm var!
Seni gördüğüm o ilk andan beri,
Şu kalbimde izin var...
Toku az, açı bol, savaşı bitmez;
Kavga dövüşsüz bir günü geçmez,
Ezileni, ezeni yalan dünya;
Zengine, fakire kimseye kalmaz.
Çalışır, didinir, yuvamızı yaparım,
Kariyer dersen çocuğa da bakarım,
Sen yanımda olduktan sonra,
Bir yastıkta bin kere de kocarım!
Söz - Müzik: Tolga Kaya
Dünyanın bezgini, hayaller gezgini,
Nereye kadar kaçacaksın yaşamdan?
Dünyanın kırgını, hayatın yılgını,
Nereye kadar kaçacaksın yaşamdan?
Bir sabah vakti,
Maviler okşarken tekneleri,
Tutuver yeniden,
Yaşamın ellerini!
Hayatın yorgunu, güneşin dargını,
Nereye kadar kaçacaksın yaşamdan?
Gönüller kaçkını, sevdalar bıkkını,
Nereye kadar kaçacaksın yaşamdan?
Bir akşam vakti,
Martılar oksarken mavileri,
Tutuver yeniden,
Yaşamın ellerini!
Söz - Müzik: Erbatur Çavuşoğlu
Bas Gitar: Utku Kırca
Kolayca sığdı cebime faturalardan arta kalan,
Asil kanıma karışacak zaten onlar da birazdan.
"Bana bir eğlence medet" modunda takılıp bütün gece,
En azından kendimce intikam alacağım hayattan...
Bir planım yok, sokaklar yönlendirir beni, nasılsa...
Bu kadehi yuvarlayıp, kalkmalıyım artık buradan;
Çok olmaya başladı bu sarhoş akreple yelkovan.
Mağduru oynayıp; ağlayınca birazcık şu köşede,
Ez azından kendimce intikam alacağım hayattan...
Bir planım yok, sokaklar yönlendirir beni, nasılsa...
Kaybedenlerin kentinde avare avare gezinip,
Kırılacak kalpler içinden en masumunu seçeceğim!
Kaybedenlerin kentinde; incitebilme yeteneğimle;
En azından kendimce intikam alacağım hayattan...
Kaybedenlerin kentinde, kalp kırma becerimle,
En azından kendimce, rövanşı alacağım hayattan...
Hayata olan öfkemi kusup, bir süre için iyi hissedeceğim...
Söz - Müzik: Erbatur Çavuşoğlu
Kafamı kuma gömsem de, duymasam bu rezil sesleri,
Nereye gidersem gideyim ensemde hep nefesleri,
Çatlamam, patlamam, her gördüğüm boka atlamam,
Gitarımı yerim yine de yutmam hazır tabletleri.
Beni müzikten soğuttunuz, yüreğimi kuruttunuz,
Çocukluk hayallerimi aldınız yere vurdunuz,
Size ruhumu açtım, yalnızlığımı paylaştım,
Elimi tutmak yerine, beni zincire vurdunuz.
Ayna ayna söyle bana var mı bizden güzeli,
Gölgemden kaçar oldum ben bu işten bezeli!
Ayna ayna göster bana var mı bir çıkış yolu,
Kendimden korkar oldum ben bu işe gireli!
Yazılır, çizilir, her gün biri kurban edilir,
Ezilir, büzülür, forum görür aslan kesilir,
"Ben takmam bunları, kime ne?" desem de inanma,
Boğazımda bir düğüm, bükülür boynum, kalbim çizilir.
Söz - Müzik: Tolga Kaya - Utku Doğruak
Objektif 1993 Hayal Ve Yaşam
Hayal Ve Yaşam
1993 Uzelli
01 Hayal Ve Yaşam (Giriş)
02 Mutlu Ölüm
03 Hınç + Terör = Kaos
04 Özel Çocuk
05 Enstümantel
06 Otuzluk Dulun Soğuk Yatağı
07 Çocuk
08 Şizofreni Yolları
09 Hayal Ve Yaşam (Final)
Mutluluğu arayan insanlar
Hep bir ışık peşinde koştular
Kararttıkça gölgeler onu
Yeni bir aydınlık aradılar
Sıcak bir düş sıcak bir yatak
Dinle bak usum neler söyküyor
Yalnız insanların sesi bu
Sar onu sımsıkı sakın kaybetme
Söz - Müzik: Vecdi Yücalan
Geçmişe özlem duyulan ortamlarda
Nostaljik duygular altında
İçimize sindirdiğimiz sürrealizm
Ve de Rock'ın loş karanlığında
Issız fakat seslerle dolu
Kör bir aydınlıkta
Soğuk sıcak dinlemeden
Koştuğumuz o toprak yollarda
Yanımda sevdiğim ve sıcaklığı
Ve de gitarımızla ölsek biz
Arzın merkezindeki volkanlarda
Çığlık çığlığa doğan çocukta
Bir yudum soğuk suyunu içtiğimiz
Karanlık ve dipsiz kuyularda
Tohumdan filizlenen yapraklarda
Bin yıldır çağlayan ırmaklarda
Uçsuz bucaksız tarlalarda
Tattığımız bütün duygularda
Söz - Müzik: Vecdi Yücalan
Bilenmiş pençe öfke ve kin
Yitik duygular yaşamı inkar
Arzulanmış şiddet yapranmış zonta
Hayvansal güdü ve saldırı emri
Avcı peşinde yitirme usunu
Çılgın rüzgar gibi koş ve saklan
Korktun ve beynin girdaba düştü
Kaos kaos bu kaos
Avken avcı olmak bunu kim becerdi
Saklan bebek saklan koş durma
Öldürmeye karşı çık sen ölmeden
Yok olmadan sevgiyi aşıla
Söz - Müzik: Vecdi Yücalan
Dün akşam üzeri geçti önümden
Parlak formalı o zengin çocuk
Anne ve babası onu çok sever
Haftanın yedi günü kursa verirler
Oğğğ özel çocuk
İşçinin maaşı iki milyonken
Özel çocuğun masrafı bin beş yüz dolar
Sorunsuz gelecek garanti yaşam
Bankada yüz milyon belki de milyar
Oğğğ özel çocuk
Sınırsız olanak tatminsiz insan
Sahte dostluklar harcanmış yaşam
Kısır ilişkiler şartlanmış ortam
Özel çocuğun yaşamı bomboş sürecek
Oğğğ özel çocuk
Söz - Müzik: Vecdi Yücalan
Müzik: Vecdi Yücalan
Soğuk bir yatakta geçti tam on bir ay
Duygularını bastırmış otuzluk soğuk bir dul
Her zaman sağında olurdu ama şimdi solu da boş
Kıpırdayan nedir perdede halüsinasyon mu yoksa o
Yalnızlıklar dünyasında sürgün edilmiş bir yaşam
Dul soğuk insanlar soğuk ısıtacak bir ışık da yok
Her zaman sağında olurdu
Ama şimdi solu da boş
Söz - Müzik: Vecdi Yücalan
Gözün aydın bir çocuğun olmuş
İkincisi de yoldadır belki
Örümcek ağında bir pusu tutmuş
Yenileri de gelir belki
İçine ettin sen bu dünyanın
Gösterecek ne kaldı ki
Taktın gözlerine at gözlüğünü
Ulaştın bu hazin sona
Uu vah vah çok acı
Kendin ne buldun ki
Çocuğa ne vereceksin
Sonuç kötü bir kabus
Yitirdin benliğini
Kişiliksiz şahsiyetini
Çocuktan ne istedin ki
Uu çocuk yapayalnız
Üremeyin ulan üremeyin ulan
Söz - Müzik: Vecdi Yücalan
Dokuz çocuklu bir ana
Ve alkolik bir baba
Apartmanın damına
Neden çıktı şimdi bu kız
Dokuz çocuk problem
Ana oldu şizofren
Genç kız bir paranoya
Para yatıyor hep şaraba
Her gün on ekmek
İşte bütün yemek
Baba işsiz ve hasta
Çocuklar hep sokakta
Şizofreni şizofreni
Yolun sonu şizofreni
Aç karın yok sevgi
Ev soğuk kalpler soğuk
Para evin temeli
Bak ben oldum deli
Enflasyon operasyon
Ve biraz da radyasyon
Söz - Müzik: Vecdi Yücalan
Hayal ve yaşam iç içe
Yaşamadan düş göremezsin
Donarken ısınmak için çalışma
Usunun derinliğine in ve bekle
Kuşkulu bir bekleyiş ardında sen
Titremeni aşk durdurur
Özümle içine sindir sakın bırakma
Sıcağı bulmak için çabala dur
Söz - Müzik: Vecdi Yücalan
Gitar: Vecdi Yücalan
Vokal: İbrahim Cantay
Bas: Tayfun Çubukçu
Davul: Tuncay Zigaloğlu
Klavye: M. Turgay Asan
Hayal Ve Yaşam
1993 Uzelli
01 Hayal Ve Yaşam (Giriş)
02 Mutlu Ölüm
03 Hınç + Terör = Kaos
04 Özel Çocuk
05 Enstümantel
06 Otuzluk Dulun Soğuk Yatağı
07 Çocuk
08 Şizofreni Yolları
09 Hayal Ve Yaşam (Final)
Mutluluğu arayan insanlar
Hep bir ışık peşinde koştular
Kararttıkça gölgeler onu
Yeni bir aydınlık aradılar
Sıcak bir düş sıcak bir yatak
Dinle bak usum neler söyküyor
Yalnız insanların sesi bu
Sar onu sımsıkı sakın kaybetme
Söz - Müzik: Vecdi Yücalan
Geçmişe özlem duyulan ortamlarda
Nostaljik duygular altında
İçimize sindirdiğimiz sürrealizm
Ve de Rock'ın loş karanlığında
Issız fakat seslerle dolu
Kör bir aydınlıkta
Soğuk sıcak dinlemeden
Koştuğumuz o toprak yollarda
Yanımda sevdiğim ve sıcaklığı
Ve de gitarımızla ölsek biz
Arzın merkezindeki volkanlarda
Çığlık çığlığa doğan çocukta
Bir yudum soğuk suyunu içtiğimiz
Karanlık ve dipsiz kuyularda
Tohumdan filizlenen yapraklarda
Bin yıldır çağlayan ırmaklarda
Uçsuz bucaksız tarlalarda
Tattığımız bütün duygularda
Söz - Müzik: Vecdi Yücalan
Bilenmiş pençe öfke ve kin
Yitik duygular yaşamı inkar
Arzulanmış şiddet yapranmış zonta
Hayvansal güdü ve saldırı emri
Avcı peşinde yitirme usunu
Çılgın rüzgar gibi koş ve saklan
Korktun ve beynin girdaba düştü
Kaos kaos bu kaos
Avken avcı olmak bunu kim becerdi
Saklan bebek saklan koş durma
Öldürmeye karşı çık sen ölmeden
Yok olmadan sevgiyi aşıla
Söz - Müzik: Vecdi Yücalan
Dün akşam üzeri geçti önümden
Parlak formalı o zengin çocuk
Anne ve babası onu çok sever
Haftanın yedi günü kursa verirler
Oğğğ özel çocuk
İşçinin maaşı iki milyonken
Özel çocuğun masrafı bin beş yüz dolar
Sorunsuz gelecek garanti yaşam
Bankada yüz milyon belki de milyar
Oğğğ özel çocuk
Sınırsız olanak tatminsiz insan
Sahte dostluklar harcanmış yaşam
Kısır ilişkiler şartlanmış ortam
Özel çocuğun yaşamı bomboş sürecek
Oğğğ özel çocuk
Söz - Müzik: Vecdi Yücalan
Müzik: Vecdi Yücalan
Soğuk bir yatakta geçti tam on bir ay
Duygularını bastırmış otuzluk soğuk bir dul
Her zaman sağında olurdu ama şimdi solu da boş
Kıpırdayan nedir perdede halüsinasyon mu yoksa o
Yalnızlıklar dünyasında sürgün edilmiş bir yaşam
Dul soğuk insanlar soğuk ısıtacak bir ışık da yok
Her zaman sağında olurdu
Ama şimdi solu da boş
Söz - Müzik: Vecdi Yücalan
Gözün aydın bir çocuğun olmuş
İkincisi de yoldadır belki
Örümcek ağında bir pusu tutmuş
Yenileri de gelir belki
İçine ettin sen bu dünyanın
Gösterecek ne kaldı ki
Taktın gözlerine at gözlüğünü
Ulaştın bu hazin sona
Uu vah vah çok acı
Kendin ne buldun ki
Çocuğa ne vereceksin
Sonuç kötü bir kabus
Yitirdin benliğini
Kişiliksiz şahsiyetini
Çocuktan ne istedin ki
Uu çocuk yapayalnız
Üremeyin ulan üremeyin ulan
Söz - Müzik: Vecdi Yücalan
Dokuz çocuklu bir ana
Ve alkolik bir baba
Apartmanın damına
Neden çıktı şimdi bu kız
Dokuz çocuk problem
Ana oldu şizofren
Genç kız bir paranoya
Para yatıyor hep şaraba
Her gün on ekmek
İşte bütün yemek
Baba işsiz ve hasta
Çocuklar hep sokakta
Şizofreni şizofreni
Yolun sonu şizofreni
Aç karın yok sevgi
Ev soğuk kalpler soğuk
Para evin temeli
Bak ben oldum deli
Enflasyon operasyon
Ve biraz da radyasyon
Söz - Müzik: Vecdi Yücalan
Hayal ve yaşam iç içe
Yaşamadan düş göremezsin
Donarken ısınmak için çalışma
Usunun derinliğine in ve bekle
Kuşkulu bir bekleyiş ardında sen
Titremeni aşk durdurur
Özümle içine sindir sakın bırakma
Sıcağı bulmak için çabala dur
Söz - Müzik: Vecdi Yücalan
Gitar: Vecdi Yücalan
Vokal: İbrahim Cantay
Bas: Tayfun Çubukçu
Davul: Tuncay Zigaloğlu
Klavye: M. Turgay Asan
Myndsnare 2008 Conditioned - Human
Conditioned: Human
2008 Demonstealer Records
01 Changing Skins
02 Use The Pain
03 Altar Ego
04 Conditioned: Human
05 Temporal Movements
06 Layers Of Hypocrisy
07 Visionary Realism
08 Within A Mind - Mis-Shapen
09 Mirror Of Nothingness
Every day a new me
Every day a new skin
I'm me within
The center of a tornado
Oppressive, dull
Nascent, emotion
Intent, culled
A vacuum filled with nothing
Calm, explosive force
Tides of matter sweeping
Scope, such devastating force
A mind filled with vitality
Creation, a dozen six days
Powerful, Vital, Alive
A paraplegic to the world
I orchestrate my world
Never ending chaotic overtures
Orchestrated by the world
I orchestrate my world
Forever ending chaotic overtures
Reasons by to suit the circumstances
Flickering images hurtle into oblivion
Reality shifting, filling within sockets
Sockets of the mind, identity defines
Orchestrated by the world
I think
I orchestrate the world
Every day a new me
Every skin a new me
Every day a new skin
Use the same old pain
Wait for the day to end
Use the same old pain
Five hours to go and ten riffs to send
Use the same old pain
The end of creation, creating the end
A slot in a rut a hole in the head
A black nemesis dark light a focal despair
Gravitate round the point of eternal blackness
Like an eclipsed bright a coronal head
Use the same old pain
Creating an entity washed up and disbelieved
Believe in one's own self
And falsely you'll be healed
Point blank towards a blank point
Using the same old pain
Again and again
Surrounded by meaning, meaningless infinity
Trapped within a point, too blind to see
Choose to look around
Feel the way over the ground
Hunt for pitfalls beneath the surface
Sink your feet into their cold embrace
Use the same old pain
The Morning Star burns
Bright in the night sky
Keep your head up, details pass you by
Lose interest in the life you live in
Higher than thought
Than existence you seem
Stumble and fall through
The clouds the stars gleams
Oh, so close it seems
I scream until you like it
I live until you die
A prism of different mirrors
Distill into blood-red nothing
I scream until I die
Polished, packaged and camouflaged
Endless eloquence, rarely perceived
You lay your
Sheet of beliefs
On me
Making me
Your own
Your own all-seeming blindness
Ignorant knowledge
The empty paper calls me
Write something deep, something painful
Something you might want to live for; to see
Someone you cannot be
Live through me, live through mine
Make me do the things you never could
Create a world, put me in it
You'll never see-- it's you that I mould
Bleed me, feed me
With your mortal words
Fill me; kill me, with a pride that wasn't mine
Thrill me; opinions that choke
Vitalize the real me
The human condition
Of misery and pain
Contribute to a lexicon
Of mortal remains
Legacies of civilizations
Unseen, unheard
So, of what importance is
Say, a new song?
Fill-in-the-blanks in the spaces of time
Create a reality with the power of the mind
Kill a hundred people, maim a thousand more
For beliefs that you're willing to die for
The human condition
Of misery and pain
Contribute to a lexicon
Of mortal remains
Legacies of civilizations
Unseen, unheard
Nothing important save the absurd
The suffering masses, blame it on their lord
For any place to put the shame-create a mental Mordor
Kill all the Christians, the Muslims, the Jews
Damn into eternity the complacent Hindus
Creations of tact and a one-time mastery
Waste all the men around, and then you'll be free
The human condition
Of misery and pain
Contribute to a lexicon
Of mortal remains
Legacies of civilizations
Unseen, unheard
Nothing important save the absurd
Kill a hundred people, maim a thousand more
For all the beliefs that you're willing to die for
Waste them away, kill them all
And then you'll be master, then you'll be free
For all of eternity, free, bloody and free
Modes of time, dancing light
Feathery wings of twilight
Glances of space
Deform, slight?
Instant change of infinite might
Every single touch, beware
Stay your hand, you
Know not the power
Stretching beyond you
Reflections in twin mirrors
The instantaneous infinity
Grasping everything in a moment
Blithe, denial of possibilities
Invisible, unthought connections
Stream forward on a single plane
Look back, you see
The mould
Memorize it-- you cannot
I have recreated it
So have you
The art of prediction, predilection
The movement of lives, universes
The power is yours, use it right
The power is mine to abuse
Look back, you see
The mould
Memorize it-- you cannot
I have created it
So have you
Changes created in the infinite folds
Look back, you see
The mould
Memorize it-- you cannot
I have created it
So have you
A negative imagery is all we have
To think of and feel, to decide
Desperation on an endless road
Roll the stone, relive again
And again and again
One with yourself
So hard to be
Layers of hypocrisy
Adapting, creating, mutating, unseeing
Fitting into the assembly line
Mindless thought for mindless thought
Never stopping, a battle never fought
Streamlined, never a thought
Searching for the kick
Of non-existence
Of a direct link
Between yourself and your self
Your self and yourself...
Meanings once known
Naivety was the cure
Once you were unseeing
Once were you pure?
Actions to fit consequences
Reasons manufactured
Cover, define your existence
With a layer of rationales
Searching for the kick
Of non-existence
Of a direct link
Between yourself and your self
Your self and yourself...
The eternal hunt for consciousness
Sip from the fount of reason, slip...
Drunk with the pleasures of life
You miss the importance
Passivity to the actual priorities
That you know should define you
A solution probably not extant
Blindly stumbling, a zombie ritual
On an end being in sight
Decide to ignore, fight, despise
Despise, decide, fly...
The gates of reality crash in
Another dreamer gasps for breath
Is there no place here, on earth
For those of us who want to win?
Some peoples' quests last forever
Some has nothing to look for
For some it comes so easy
To open yet another door
But for those who need to stumble
From day to day, from door to door
Isn't there a higher power
To let them know there's more
In this life of mine I've seen
Some funny things and a dream
No one told me, it would be so
That dreamers have nowhere to go
But even in the midst of all
There is this peace inside
In the toughest times of life
I keep running there to hide
In humanity
We live
Learning of the desires, the desired, to thrill
In humanity, we believe
Creating images of holy life, we contrive
In humanity, we are
A mass of intelligence in a planet of art
In humanity, we crave
Of our neighbors what we seldom gave
In humanity, so brave
Killing the benevolent, defiling the naive
Seekers of material wealth and a wall
For humanity is in, by crook or by sin
Inhumanity is in, reality is not
Inhumanity is in, reality is not
9. Mirror of Nothingness 05:50 Hide lyrics
My inner self
Myself into my self
I fill myself with images
I know they don't ring true
I create a wall of thought
Opaque, invisible, extant, not...
I look into the mirror
The mirror looks into me
I see what I want
I want what I see
In the mirror of nothingness
I create a reality
It's so easy, it's so free
Live in that world
That I create, I mould
Push it to the extreme
Watch it grow, unfold
Control every step, control every fold
Deny the unpleasant, resist the bold
I look into the mirror
The mirror looks into me
I see what I want
I want what I see
In the mirror of nothingness
Bangalore, Karnataka, Hindistan / Progressive Thrash/Death Metal
Conditioned: Human
2008 Demonstealer Records
01 Changing Skins
02 Use The Pain
03 Altar Ego
04 Conditioned: Human
05 Temporal Movements
06 Layers Of Hypocrisy
07 Visionary Realism
08 Within A Mind - Mis-Shapen
09 Mirror Of Nothingness
Every day a new me
Every day a new skin
I'm me within
The center of a tornado
Oppressive, dull
Nascent, emotion
Intent, culled
A vacuum filled with nothing
Calm, explosive force
Tides of matter sweeping
Scope, such devastating force
A mind filled with vitality
Creation, a dozen six days
Powerful, Vital, Alive
A paraplegic to the world
I orchestrate my world
Never ending chaotic overtures
Orchestrated by the world
I orchestrate my world
Forever ending chaotic overtures
Reasons by to suit the circumstances
Flickering images hurtle into oblivion
Reality shifting, filling within sockets
Sockets of the mind, identity defines
Orchestrated by the world
I think
I orchestrate the world
Every day a new me
Every skin a new me
Every day a new skin
Use the same old pain
Wait for the day to end
Use the same old pain
Five hours to go and ten riffs to send
Use the same old pain
The end of creation, creating the end
A slot in a rut a hole in the head
A black nemesis dark light a focal despair
Gravitate round the point of eternal blackness
Like an eclipsed bright a coronal head
Use the same old pain
Creating an entity washed up and disbelieved
Believe in one's own self
And falsely you'll be healed
Point blank towards a blank point
Using the same old pain
Again and again
Surrounded by meaning, meaningless infinity
Trapped within a point, too blind to see
Choose to look around
Feel the way over the ground
Hunt for pitfalls beneath the surface
Sink your feet into their cold embrace
Use the same old pain
The Morning Star burns
Bright in the night sky
Keep your head up, details pass you by
Lose interest in the life you live in
Higher than thought
Than existence you seem
Stumble and fall through
The clouds the stars gleams
Oh, so close it seems
I scream until you like it
I live until you die
A prism of different mirrors
Distill into blood-red nothing
I scream until I die
Polished, packaged and camouflaged
Endless eloquence, rarely perceived
You lay your
Sheet of beliefs
On me
Making me
Your own
Your own all-seeming blindness
Ignorant knowledge
The empty paper calls me
Write something deep, something painful
Something you might want to live for; to see
Someone you cannot be
Live through me, live through mine
Make me do the things you never could
Create a world, put me in it
You'll never see-- it's you that I mould
Bleed me, feed me
With your mortal words
Fill me; kill me, with a pride that wasn't mine
Thrill me; opinions that choke
Vitalize the real me
The human condition
Of misery and pain
Contribute to a lexicon
Of mortal remains
Legacies of civilizations
Unseen, unheard
So, of what importance is
Say, a new song?
Fill-in-the-blanks in the spaces of time
Create a reality with the power of the mind
Kill a hundred people, maim a thousand more
For beliefs that you're willing to die for
The human condition
Of misery and pain
Contribute to a lexicon
Of mortal remains
Legacies of civilizations
Unseen, unheard
Nothing important save the absurd
The suffering masses, blame it on their lord
For any place to put the shame-create a mental Mordor
Kill all the Christians, the Muslims, the Jews
Damn into eternity the complacent Hindus
Creations of tact and a one-time mastery
Waste all the men around, and then you'll be free
The human condition
Of misery and pain
Contribute to a lexicon
Of mortal remains
Legacies of civilizations
Unseen, unheard
Nothing important save the absurd
Kill a hundred people, maim a thousand more
For all the beliefs that you're willing to die for
Waste them away, kill them all
And then you'll be master, then you'll be free
For all of eternity, free, bloody and free
Modes of time, dancing light
Feathery wings of twilight
Glances of space
Deform, slight?
Instant change of infinite might
Every single touch, beware
Stay your hand, you
Know not the power
Stretching beyond you
Reflections in twin mirrors
The instantaneous infinity
Grasping everything in a moment
Blithe, denial of possibilities
Invisible, unthought connections
Stream forward on a single plane
Look back, you see
The mould
Memorize it-- you cannot
I have recreated it
So have you
The art of prediction, predilection
The movement of lives, universes
The power is yours, use it right
The power is mine to abuse
Look back, you see
The mould
Memorize it-- you cannot
I have created it
So have you
Changes created in the infinite folds
Look back, you see
The mould
Memorize it-- you cannot
I have created it
So have you
A negative imagery is all we have
To think of and feel, to decide
Desperation on an endless road
Roll the stone, relive again
And again and again
One with yourself
So hard to be
Layers of hypocrisy
Adapting, creating, mutating, unseeing
Fitting into the assembly line
Mindless thought for mindless thought
Never stopping, a battle never fought
Streamlined, never a thought
Searching for the kick
Of non-existence
Of a direct link
Between yourself and your self
Your self and yourself...
Meanings once known
Naivety was the cure
Once you were unseeing
Once were you pure?
Actions to fit consequences
Reasons manufactured
Cover, define your existence
With a layer of rationales
Searching for the kick
Of non-existence
Of a direct link
Between yourself and your self
Your self and yourself...
The eternal hunt for consciousness
Sip from the fount of reason, slip...
Drunk with the pleasures of life
You miss the importance
Passivity to the actual priorities
That you know should define you
A solution probably not extant
Blindly stumbling, a zombie ritual
On an end being in sight
Decide to ignore, fight, despise
Despise, decide, fly...
The gates of reality crash in
Another dreamer gasps for breath
Is there no place here, on earth
For those of us who want to win?
Some peoples' quests last forever
Some has nothing to look for
For some it comes so easy
To open yet another door
But for those who need to stumble
From day to day, from door to door
Isn't there a higher power
To let them know there's more
In this life of mine I've seen
Some funny things and a dream
No one told me, it would be so
That dreamers have nowhere to go
But even in the midst of all
There is this peace inside
In the toughest times of life
I keep running there to hide
In humanity
We live
Learning of the desires, the desired, to thrill
In humanity, we believe
Creating images of holy life, we contrive
In humanity, we are
A mass of intelligence in a planet of art
In humanity, we crave
Of our neighbors what we seldom gave
In humanity, so brave
Killing the benevolent, defiling the naive
Seekers of material wealth and a wall
For humanity is in, by crook or by sin
Inhumanity is in, reality is not
Inhumanity is in, reality is not
9. Mirror of Nothingness 05:50 Hide lyrics
My inner self
Myself into my self
I fill myself with images
I know they don't ring true
I create a wall of thought
Opaque, invisible, extant, not...
I look into the mirror
The mirror looks into me
I see what I want
I want what I see
In the mirror of nothingness
I create a reality
It's so easy, it's so free
Live in that world
That I create, I mould
Push it to the extreme
Watch it grow, unfold
Control every step, control every fold
Deny the unpleasant, resist the bold
I look into the mirror
The mirror looks into me
I see what I want
I want what I see
In the mirror of nothingness
Bangalore, Karnataka, Hindistan / Progressive Thrash/Death Metal
Myndsnare 2003 A Preliminary Quest (Demo)
A Preliminary Quest (Demo)
01 Mirror Of Nothingness
02 Layers Of Hypocrisy
03 Seeking The Maze
My inner self
Myself into my self
I fill myself with images
I know they don't ring true
I create a wall of thought
Opaque, invisible, extant, not...
I look into the Mirror
The Mirror looks into me
I see what I want
I want what I see
In the Mirror of Nothingness
I Create a reality
It's so easy, it's so free
Live in that world
That I create, I mould
Push it to the extreme
Watch it grow, unfold
Control every step, control every fold
Deny the unpleasant, resist the bold
I look into the Mirror
The Mirror looks into me
I see what I want
I want what I see
In the Mirror of Nothingness
I Create a reality
It's so easy, it's so free
A negative imagery is all we have
To think of and feel, to decide
Desperation on an endless road
Roll the stone, relive again
And again, and again...
One with yourself,
so hard to be
Layers of hypocrisy
Adapting, creating, mutating, unseeing
Fitting into the assembly line
Mindless thought for mindless thought
Never stopping, a battle never fought
Streamlined, never a thought
Searching for the kick
Of nonexistence
Of a direct link
Between yourself and your self
Your self and yourself...
Meanings once known
Naivety was the cure
Once you were unseeing
Once were you pure?
Actions to fit consequences
Reasons manufactured
Cover, define your existence
With a layer of rationales
Searching for the kick
Of nonexistence
Of a direct link
Between yourself and your self
Your self and yourself...
The eternal hunt for consciousness
Sip from the fount of reason, slip...
Drunk with the pleasures of life
You miss the importance
Passivity to the actual priorities
That you know should define you
A solution probably not extant
Blindly stumbling, a zombie ritual
On an end being in sight
Decide to ignore, fight, despise
Despise, decide, fly...
Exploration of a mind
Spreading outward…
Into the universe
Disgust fills my soul
Points of light, missing…
The evil urges of life,
A natural state
Universal constants leave in their wake
A fusing mass of hydrogen
Chaotic entropy freewheeling through infinities of temporal states
Why consider orderly atoms as life?
Why believers are we in the unknown?
Why deceive ourselves with a created fate?
Hang on by the tips of my fingers
To the narrow ledge of sanity
The largesse of existence
Confuses me
A dream within a dream
Innocent of comprehension
A well-made model
Of a larger creation
Questioning beliefs, the answer is created
Aid our insanity
To restore sanity
Lock up our minds
Deep within our selves
Safely cruise
Through the universe’s bends
Need a grip on life
What the fuck is life?
Pitfalls abound…
You get snared in the end
Like mice in a maze
Seeking the way
Creating the way
It’s eating away
Do I…
Create the maze?
A Preliminary Quest (Demo)
01 Mirror Of Nothingness
02 Layers Of Hypocrisy
03 Seeking The Maze
My inner self
Myself into my self
I fill myself with images
I know they don't ring true
I create a wall of thought
Opaque, invisible, extant, not...
I look into the Mirror
The Mirror looks into me
I see what I want
I want what I see
In the Mirror of Nothingness
I Create a reality
It's so easy, it's so free
Live in that world
That I create, I mould
Push it to the extreme
Watch it grow, unfold
Control every step, control every fold
Deny the unpleasant, resist the bold
I look into the Mirror
The Mirror looks into me
I see what I want
I want what I see
In the Mirror of Nothingness
I Create a reality
It's so easy, it's so free
A negative imagery is all we have
To think of and feel, to decide
Desperation on an endless road
Roll the stone, relive again
And again, and again...
One with yourself,
so hard to be
Layers of hypocrisy
Adapting, creating, mutating, unseeing
Fitting into the assembly line
Mindless thought for mindless thought
Never stopping, a battle never fought
Streamlined, never a thought
Searching for the kick
Of nonexistence
Of a direct link
Between yourself and your self
Your self and yourself...
Meanings once known
Naivety was the cure
Once you were unseeing
Once were you pure?
Actions to fit consequences
Reasons manufactured
Cover, define your existence
With a layer of rationales
Searching for the kick
Of nonexistence
Of a direct link
Between yourself and your self
Your self and yourself...
The eternal hunt for consciousness
Sip from the fount of reason, slip...
Drunk with the pleasures of life
You miss the importance
Passivity to the actual priorities
That you know should define you
A solution probably not extant
Blindly stumbling, a zombie ritual
On an end being in sight
Decide to ignore, fight, despise
Despise, decide, fly...
Exploration of a mind
Spreading outward…
Into the universe
Disgust fills my soul
Points of light, missing…
The evil urges of life,
A natural state
Universal constants leave in their wake
A fusing mass of hydrogen
Chaotic entropy freewheeling through infinities of temporal states
Why consider orderly atoms as life?
Why believers are we in the unknown?
Why deceive ourselves with a created fate?
Hang on by the tips of my fingers
To the narrow ledge of sanity
The largesse of existence
Confuses me
A dream within a dream
Innocent of comprehension
A well-made model
Of a larger creation
Questioning beliefs, the answer is created
Aid our insanity
To restore sanity
Lock up our minds
Deep within our selves
Safely cruise
Through the universe’s bends
Need a grip on life
What the fuck is life?
Pitfalls abound…
You get snared in the end
Like mice in a maze
Seeking the way
Creating the way
It’s eating away
Do I…
Create the maze?
Carnophage 2008 Deformed Future--Genetic Nightmare
Deformed Future//Genetic Nightmare
2008 Unique Leader Records
01 Deformed Future//Genetic Nightmare
02 Bone Nails
03 Harmlessly Eaten
04 Blood Commander
05 No One Forgotten
06 Corpsefield
07 Clandestine Depravity
08 Anomalistic Resurrection
Unsuspected impact
Striking at heart
Surrenders are promised to get into the safe
Just Obey... and consume and consume
Trust into the politics. Turning to a solid form
One by one, each breathe of yours chancing your inside
Inner deformation is unstoppable
Close your mind. Seeing of truth is forbidden
Holy pride of mankind, causing to the assault
All the tests over humanity are concealed by the responsible ones
Mother Earth is angry, we defend our arrogance
This is the empire of depraved chemistry
No chance to escape this sovereignity
Death whispers his coldness to your burning reactors
No esteem start the war. Fire...
Synthetic power of technology
World wide spiderweb and forseen global fall
All we created this deformed future
All we created this genetic nightmare
Started with hypocrisy, then the genetic technology
We were unable to see, they were the real enemy
Fatalistic slaves of warped dimensions, preventing the true evolving
Seems that here is an infinite duplicator, new milennium is undersiege
Yet we don't know our perpetual quest in the other side
Organs and bodies are rotting behind the surface
All we created this deformed future
All we created this genetic nightmare
Unproductive thoughts and desires
Prepares your agony
Sometimes your fall approaches
Your manage to run
But in the future you'll not
Slowly, you come to my land
Killing people and assasinating them
Dishonestly you escape
And you use your bastards
To claim for yourself
Rituals of your life are
One by one will die
Are you ready to watch
Your own torment
Missiles will blast in your skull
Sins are swirling to your
New life in hell
According to your cave
Your new bone nails
Will host you for your
Burning again and again
In your soul... A frivolity...
You're rescued from this world
Die... Die... Die...
Are you ready to watch
Your own torment
Missiles will blast one by one
In your skull
Your filthy smiles will end
When I came to your cave
Your never started country
Will have a stillborn end
Throught the ways of satisfaction
You'll be my sadism fornication
Drowning I'll open your easy way to die
But I won't let your easy death
You deserved your fate
Throught the endless sodomy
No one will identify your new body style
Even you don't know because you're
Slowly and harmlessly eaten
Please scream to your victims
They won't hear you here
Also I'm not sure
Will they want save your from here
Because you're end of their dreams, eternally
Your beautiful face is fading out now
Your offers are useless for me
You "the slut"
You have hurt too many people in the past
But I feel mercyful may be
I won't let you go
But I'll make you paralysed
Your body and soul are open for me
Unsuspected killers are counting their scores on their games
Show's just started for them
Their butchery never ends
Blasting bombs are their soundtrack on their own life
They're known as the aristocratic
Their shareholders are applausing these plays
Extradition has became an impossibility
United nations and others are numbning us
Deep inside the world unfortunately
Silent terrorism rises...
Endless sodomy... Melting on their chuckles
Twilight incoming...
They live like doomsday never comes
Blame as heretic... Books are always in their hands
Money'n power in their brains
So the ignorants reacts...
Blood Commander
Hell desire
Underworld waits your return
Collaboration of politicians are smells like the sewage now
Massacre of war criminals are considered as democracy. Lie...
Supergovernments are supporting smuggling
Content is unimportant "Just save the profit or die!"
Artificial ressurrection, here is the end for our destination
Scalpels are just in poor's hands. They are described as sinners
Unsuspected killers are counting their scores on their games
Show's just started for them
Their butchery never ends
Blasting bombs are their soundtrack on their own life
They're known as the aristocratic
Silent terrorism rises...
Times running out for your fate clear their minds
bestial thoughts yet inferior slowly clear their minds
all the pain that you lived at all times
"they heard your call"
against the mercyful fate
no one forgotten
despite the melting of your all wisdom
no one forggotten
all the pain that you lived at all times
"they heard your call"
so slowly, whats this greed? not fadingé
all connections with the parasites
pulling you to your abyssal darkness
halls of death, and ruthless enemies
they have all deserved to be in there
hearts are full of grief, dissapointment
dreadfull nightmares dwelling into your mind
since you have been declerated as an ornament
your are the prisoner of your own obsessions
pressure on the walls of your own mind
pressure of your never existed life and hopes
heads are saturated they are still smiling
into your head they are still screaming
halls of dead, ruthless enemies
schizophrenic... torment...
this is the gash
eternal sleep
your are drawned in love but you are betraying
despite yout anger and begging you are isolated
Servants of cultivated one
Who is noble and wise
Striking in the name of their wise master
Sculpted by the greatest liar
Sculpted by the hell deserved
Awkwards can't be tolerated
For their exalted goals
For their clandestine conquest
Rising upon the religions of innocent ones
Failure of nations is their only nourishment
Rising upon the religions of innocent ones
Bestial and precious one do not hesitate
For their clandestine conquest
Sculpted by the greatest liar
Sculpted by the hell deserved
Awkwards can't be tolerated
For their exalted goals
Perceived by the dark and rotten minds
Poems of poison oozing inside
Saving his throne which has been earned
By the blood of mankind
In the name of human rights
In the name of god...
Postponing the date of the sinister celebration
Fire-handed soul of regret is burning us
Immobilizing our souls and our inclination
We will test our endurance
Hired by our hopelesness, risking our spirituality
Face the ancients who are the meaning of vain
Fire will end your all vanity
Crude dreams of universe
Shaped by the fear
Keep the faith within
Against the all your fears
All your emacination
Sardonic industry, calls you to break into pieces
Wretched sins will be grinded
By the miller of souls
Reincarnation, are promised by your infidelity
Diametrically, discorded with the creation
Incubation season of soul, putrefaction is over
Far beyond the madness, concealment ended
Ankara / Technical Brutal Death Metal
Deformed Future//Genetic Nightmare
2008 Unique Leader Records
01 Deformed Future//Genetic Nightmare
02 Bone Nails
03 Harmlessly Eaten
04 Blood Commander
05 No One Forgotten
06 Corpsefield
07 Clandestine Depravity
08 Anomalistic Resurrection
Unsuspected impact
Striking at heart
Surrenders are promised to get into the safe
Just Obey... and consume and consume
Trust into the politics. Turning to a solid form
One by one, each breathe of yours chancing your inside
Inner deformation is unstoppable
Close your mind. Seeing of truth is forbidden
Holy pride of mankind, causing to the assault
All the tests over humanity are concealed by the responsible ones
Mother Earth is angry, we defend our arrogance
This is the empire of depraved chemistry
No chance to escape this sovereignity
Death whispers his coldness to your burning reactors
No esteem start the war. Fire...
Synthetic power of technology
World wide spiderweb and forseen global fall
All we created this deformed future
All we created this genetic nightmare
Started with hypocrisy, then the genetic technology
We were unable to see, they were the real enemy
Fatalistic slaves of warped dimensions, preventing the true evolving
Seems that here is an infinite duplicator, new milennium is undersiege
Yet we don't know our perpetual quest in the other side
Organs and bodies are rotting behind the surface
All we created this deformed future
All we created this genetic nightmare
Unproductive thoughts and desires
Prepares your agony
Sometimes your fall approaches
Your manage to run
But in the future you'll not
Slowly, you come to my land
Killing people and assasinating them
Dishonestly you escape
And you use your bastards
To claim for yourself
Rituals of your life are
One by one will die
Are you ready to watch
Your own torment
Missiles will blast in your skull
Sins are swirling to your
New life in hell
According to your cave
Your new bone nails
Will host you for your
Burning again and again
In your soul... A frivolity...
You're rescued from this world
Die... Die... Die...
Are you ready to watch
Your own torment
Missiles will blast one by one
In your skull
Your filthy smiles will end
When I came to your cave
Your never started country
Will have a stillborn end
Throught the ways of satisfaction
You'll be my sadism fornication
Drowning I'll open your easy way to die
But I won't let your easy death
You deserved your fate
Throught the endless sodomy
No one will identify your new body style
Even you don't know because you're
Slowly and harmlessly eaten
Please scream to your victims
They won't hear you here
Also I'm not sure
Will they want save your from here
Because you're end of their dreams, eternally
Your beautiful face is fading out now
Your offers are useless for me
You "the slut"
You have hurt too many people in the past
But I feel mercyful may be
I won't let you go
But I'll make you paralysed
Your body and soul are open for me
Unsuspected killers are counting their scores on their games
Show's just started for them
Their butchery never ends
Blasting bombs are their soundtrack on their own life
They're known as the aristocratic
Their shareholders are applausing these plays
Extradition has became an impossibility
United nations and others are numbning us
Deep inside the world unfortunately
Silent terrorism rises...
Endless sodomy... Melting on their chuckles
Twilight incoming...
They live like doomsday never comes
Blame as heretic... Books are always in their hands
Money'n power in their brains
So the ignorants reacts...
Blood Commander
Hell desire
Underworld waits your return
Collaboration of politicians are smells like the sewage now
Massacre of war criminals are considered as democracy. Lie...
Supergovernments are supporting smuggling
Content is unimportant "Just save the profit or die!"
Artificial ressurrection, here is the end for our destination
Scalpels are just in poor's hands. They are described as sinners
Unsuspected killers are counting their scores on their games
Show's just started for them
Their butchery never ends
Blasting bombs are their soundtrack on their own life
They're known as the aristocratic
Silent terrorism rises...
Times running out for your fate clear their minds
bestial thoughts yet inferior slowly clear their minds
all the pain that you lived at all times
"they heard your call"
against the mercyful fate
no one forgotten
despite the melting of your all wisdom
no one forggotten
all the pain that you lived at all times
"they heard your call"
so slowly, whats this greed? not fadingé
all connections with the parasites
pulling you to your abyssal darkness
halls of death, and ruthless enemies
they have all deserved to be in there
hearts are full of grief, dissapointment
dreadfull nightmares dwelling into your mind
since you have been declerated as an ornament
your are the prisoner of your own obsessions
pressure on the walls of your own mind
pressure of your never existed life and hopes
heads are saturated they are still smiling
into your head they are still screaming
halls of dead, ruthless enemies
schizophrenic... torment...
this is the gash
eternal sleep
your are drawned in love but you are betraying
despite yout anger and begging you are isolated
Servants of cultivated one
Who is noble and wise
Striking in the name of their wise master
Sculpted by the greatest liar
Sculpted by the hell deserved
Awkwards can't be tolerated
For their exalted goals
For their clandestine conquest
Rising upon the religions of innocent ones
Failure of nations is their only nourishment
Rising upon the religions of innocent ones
Bestial and precious one do not hesitate
For their clandestine conquest
Sculpted by the greatest liar
Sculpted by the hell deserved
Awkwards can't be tolerated
For their exalted goals
Perceived by the dark and rotten minds
Poems of poison oozing inside
Saving his throne which has been earned
By the blood of mankind
In the name of human rights
In the name of god...
Postponing the date of the sinister celebration
Fire-handed soul of regret is burning us
Immobilizing our souls and our inclination
We will test our endurance
Hired by our hopelesness, risking our spirituality
Face the ancients who are the meaning of vain
Fire will end your all vanity
Crude dreams of universe
Shaped by the fear
Keep the faith within
Against the all your fears
All your emacination
Sardonic industry, calls you to break into pieces
Wretched sins will be grinded
By the miller of souls
Reincarnation, are promised by your infidelity
Diametrically, discorded with the creation
Incubation season of soul, putrefaction is over
Far beyond the madness, concealment ended
Ankara / Technical Brutal Death Metal
13 Ocak 2014
Pilli Bebek 2000 Uyandırmadan
Pilli Bebek
2000 Ada Müzik
01 Açılsın Gözlerin
02 Hilal'in Şarkısı
03 Malabadi Köprüsü
04 Berrak
05 Kara Diller
06 Yoluna Baş Koy
07 Kedi
08 Siyah Beyaz
09 Sakarya
10 Fotoğraf
Çocukça bir rüya görmeli gözlerin
Masalsı bir emanet vermeli sözlerin
Yaşamın korkusu, eriyip gitmenin
Önüne geç ki senin bilinsin kıymetin
Açılsın gözlerin
Gül, gün güneşle var, görsene...
Yağmurun, çisenin, sıradan günlerin
Farkını bil ki senin açılsın can evin
Açılsın gözlerin
Gül, gün güneşle var, görsene...
Toprağın rengini sevmeli gözlerin
Denize hep sadakat vermeli yüreğin
Umarsız gecede gördüğün renklerin
Farkını bil ki senin açılsın canevin
Açılsın gözlerin
Gül, gün güneşle var, görsene...
Yağmurun, çisenin, sıradan günlerin
Farkını bil ki senin açılsın can evin
Açılsın gözlerin
Gül, gün güneşle var, görsene...
Söz: Cem Kısmet
Müzik: Cem Kısmet, Ahmet Başbağlar
Bir bakışta gördüm sıcaklığını.
Bir dokunuşta duydum saflığını.
Çocukça bir rengin olduğunu.
Bir nefeste çektim dostluğunu
Ve her gece sen, sen uyurken,
Okşadım saçlarını, uyandırmadan,
Uyandırmadan, uyandırmadan...
Su gibi dupduru bir can olduğunu.
Erken büyüdüğün için yorulduğunu.
Denizlerin mavi meleği olduğunu.
Bir nefeste çektim dostluğunu
Ve her gece sen, sen uyurken,
Okşadım saçlarını, uyandırmadan,
Uyandırmadan, uyandırmadan...
Söz - Müzik: Cem Kısmet
Malabadi Köprüsü Malabadi Köprüsü
Orada başladı bitti şu garibin öyküsü
Karşı ki aşiretten bir kıza gönül verdi
Aşkı uğruna hergün o köprüye giderdi
Siirt'in dağlarında uçan kuşu vururdu
Fatma'yı okşadıkça kahrı sükun bulurdu
Of garibim of of garibim of
Kara tahtlı şeyh derler Fatma'nın babasına
Katı ve insafsızdı bu aşkın karşısında
Kararlıydı zalim şeyh onları öldürmeye
Yine bir seher vakti pusu kurdu köprüye
Tabancalar patladı sevgililer susmuştu
Malabadi Köprüsü aşka mezar olmuştu
Of garibim of of garibim of
Söz - Müzik: Selçuk Alagöz
Berrak sudaki kırmızı balık
Sana canım demek için
Canımdan bir parça ve ışıksız gecelerin sessiz
Özgürlüklerini verdim
Dışı sevda içi zindan değilim artık
Dışı sevda içi zindan değilim artık
Gözlerimden sızan güvensizliği kuşkuyu
Hiç bu renk bir sevgiyle yenmedim
Ve güzelim sana sunduğum değerleri
Karşılıkların içinde büyütmedim.
Söz - Müzik: Cem Kısmet
Kara diller kara yüzler dünyama çöktü
Korktu yazlar, ürktü nazlı bahar, güze büründü
Of, of, böyle mi oldu
Zaman, yaman, bizi de vurdu
Ay saklandı bulut ardında karardı durdu
Gün tükendi, aydınlık dünler hasretlik oldu
Of, of, böyle mi oldu
Zaman, yaman, bizi de vurdu.
Söz: Cem Kısmet, Ebru Özgencil, Metin Yücel, Ahmet Başbağlar
Müzik: Metin Yücel
Önünde bir ömür boşa mı geçsin?
Gözünden bir rüya hep beklesin
Cebinde bir umut gerçeği gizlesin
Yarını olmayan gün geçmesin
Küçük yolların kahramanı
Büyük yolların şaklabanı
Yoluna baş koy
Yoluna baş koy
Yoluna baş koy
Geç kalmadan
Zamanın tortusu yüzüne çökmüş
Üretme kaygısı çoktan ölmüş
Gözünde bir gülüş yalana dönmüş
Soğuyan düşüncen şimdi sönmüş büyük yolların şaklabanı
Yoluna baş koy
Yoluna baş koy
Yoluna baş koy
Geç kalmadan.
Söz - Müzik: Cem Kısmet
Dinle beni küçük kedim
Bakışların kararmadan
Tırnakların körelmeden
Ve hiç bir zaman denemeden
Anlayamazsın, anlayamazsın
Benim sevgimi almadan
Şarabımdan tatmadan
Hüzünlenip dalmadan
Ve hiç bir zaman yaşamadan
Anlayamazsın, anlayamazsın
Gülümsemen olmadan
Ve sana dokunmadan
Gözlerine bakmadan
Anlayamazdım, anlayamazdım
Ellerini uzatmadan
Gözlerime bakmadan
Yeni ateşler yakmadan
Ve içinde yanmadan
Anlayamazsın, anlayamazsın
Gülümsemen olmadan
Ve sana dokunmadan
Gözlerine bakmadan
Anlayamazdım, anlayamazdım
Söz - Müzik: Cem Kısmet
Siyah beyaz düşlerimde seni hatırlarım
Bomboş ellerimde seni duyumsarım
Sensiz gecelerde sensiz ağlarım
Sonsuz gecelerde sensiz ağlarım
Fırtınalar sabahında doğan günü duyumsarım
Mevsimlerin sıcağında susuzluğa kanarım
Yitip giden insanlara, dostlarıma ağlarım
Yanlış zamanlara sensizliğe ağlarım
Nedensiz sorgusuz bir rüya gözlerimde
Nedensiz sorgusuz bir duvar benliğimde
Siyah beyaz düşlerimde seni hatırlarım
Bomboş ellerimde seni duyumsarım
Sensiz gecelerde sensiz ağlarım
Sonsuz gecelerde sensiz ağlarım
Söz - Müzik: Cem Kısmet
Bir siyah beyaz fotoğrafım ben
Tozlu raflardayım eski albümlerde
Yağmurlu günlerde
Alçak gönüllü bir su birikintisiyim
Şehrin karanlık sokaklarında
Donu düşük çocukların yaptığı kağıttan bir gemiyim
Yüzüyorum, yüzüyor muyum
Bilmiyorum bilmiyorum
Bir gün batı mıyım güneyde
Bir akşam vaktiyim
Ucuz bir şarabın şişesiyim denizde
Yüzüyor muyum
Biliyor musun
Bir gün bir yağmur sonrası
Siyah beyaz bir fotoğraf bulacaksın yerlerde
İşte o an
Bir kıpırtıyım yüreğinde
Ve iki damla yaş olacağım güneşli gözlerinde.
Söz: Şükrü Erdoğan
Müzik: Cem Kısmet
Gitarlar Ve Vokal: Cem Kısmet
Bas Gitar Ve Vokal: Ahmet Başbağlar
Davul Ve Vurmalılar: Gürcan Konanç
2000 Ada Müzik
01 Açılsın Gözlerin
02 Hilal'in Şarkısı
03 Malabadi Köprüsü
04 Berrak
05 Kara Diller
06 Yoluna Baş Koy
07 Kedi
08 Siyah Beyaz
09 Sakarya
10 Fotoğraf
Çocukça bir rüya görmeli gözlerin
Masalsı bir emanet vermeli sözlerin
Yaşamın korkusu, eriyip gitmenin
Önüne geç ki senin bilinsin kıymetin
Açılsın gözlerin
Gül, gün güneşle var, görsene...
Yağmurun, çisenin, sıradan günlerin
Farkını bil ki senin açılsın can evin
Açılsın gözlerin
Gül, gün güneşle var, görsene...
Toprağın rengini sevmeli gözlerin
Denize hep sadakat vermeli yüreğin
Umarsız gecede gördüğün renklerin
Farkını bil ki senin açılsın canevin
Açılsın gözlerin
Gül, gün güneşle var, görsene...
Yağmurun, çisenin, sıradan günlerin
Farkını bil ki senin açılsın can evin
Açılsın gözlerin
Gül, gün güneşle var, görsene...
Söz: Cem Kısmet
Müzik: Cem Kısmet, Ahmet Başbağlar
Bir bakışta gördüm sıcaklığını.
Bir dokunuşta duydum saflığını.
Çocukça bir rengin olduğunu.
Bir nefeste çektim dostluğunu
Ve her gece sen, sen uyurken,
Okşadım saçlarını, uyandırmadan,
Uyandırmadan, uyandırmadan...
Su gibi dupduru bir can olduğunu.
Erken büyüdüğün için yorulduğunu.
Denizlerin mavi meleği olduğunu.
Bir nefeste çektim dostluğunu
Ve her gece sen, sen uyurken,
Okşadım saçlarını, uyandırmadan,
Uyandırmadan, uyandırmadan...
Söz - Müzik: Cem Kısmet
Malabadi Köprüsü Malabadi Köprüsü
Orada başladı bitti şu garibin öyküsü
Karşı ki aşiretten bir kıza gönül verdi
Aşkı uğruna hergün o köprüye giderdi
Siirt'in dağlarında uçan kuşu vururdu
Fatma'yı okşadıkça kahrı sükun bulurdu
Of garibim of of garibim of
Kara tahtlı şeyh derler Fatma'nın babasına
Katı ve insafsızdı bu aşkın karşısında
Kararlıydı zalim şeyh onları öldürmeye
Yine bir seher vakti pusu kurdu köprüye
Tabancalar patladı sevgililer susmuştu
Malabadi Köprüsü aşka mezar olmuştu
Of garibim of of garibim of
Söz - Müzik: Selçuk Alagöz
Berrak sudaki kırmızı balık
Sana canım demek için
Canımdan bir parça ve ışıksız gecelerin sessiz
Özgürlüklerini verdim
Dışı sevda içi zindan değilim artık
Dışı sevda içi zindan değilim artık
Gözlerimden sızan güvensizliği kuşkuyu
Hiç bu renk bir sevgiyle yenmedim
Ve güzelim sana sunduğum değerleri
Karşılıkların içinde büyütmedim.
Söz - Müzik: Cem Kısmet
Kara diller kara yüzler dünyama çöktü
Korktu yazlar, ürktü nazlı bahar, güze büründü
Of, of, böyle mi oldu
Zaman, yaman, bizi de vurdu
Ay saklandı bulut ardında karardı durdu
Gün tükendi, aydınlık dünler hasretlik oldu
Of, of, böyle mi oldu
Zaman, yaman, bizi de vurdu.
Söz: Cem Kısmet, Ebru Özgencil, Metin Yücel, Ahmet Başbağlar
Müzik: Metin Yücel
Önünde bir ömür boşa mı geçsin?
Gözünden bir rüya hep beklesin
Cebinde bir umut gerçeği gizlesin
Yarını olmayan gün geçmesin
Küçük yolların kahramanı
Büyük yolların şaklabanı
Yoluna baş koy
Yoluna baş koy
Yoluna baş koy
Geç kalmadan
Zamanın tortusu yüzüne çökmüş
Üretme kaygısı çoktan ölmüş
Gözünde bir gülüş yalana dönmüş
Soğuyan düşüncen şimdi sönmüş büyük yolların şaklabanı
Yoluna baş koy
Yoluna baş koy
Yoluna baş koy
Geç kalmadan.
Söz - Müzik: Cem Kısmet
Dinle beni küçük kedim
Bakışların kararmadan
Tırnakların körelmeden
Ve hiç bir zaman denemeden
Anlayamazsın, anlayamazsın
Benim sevgimi almadan
Şarabımdan tatmadan
Hüzünlenip dalmadan
Ve hiç bir zaman yaşamadan
Anlayamazsın, anlayamazsın
Gülümsemen olmadan
Ve sana dokunmadan
Gözlerine bakmadan
Anlayamazdım, anlayamazdım
Ellerini uzatmadan
Gözlerime bakmadan
Yeni ateşler yakmadan
Ve içinde yanmadan
Anlayamazsın, anlayamazsın
Gülümsemen olmadan
Ve sana dokunmadan
Gözlerine bakmadan
Anlayamazdım, anlayamazdım
Söz - Müzik: Cem Kısmet
Siyah beyaz düşlerimde seni hatırlarım
Bomboş ellerimde seni duyumsarım
Sensiz gecelerde sensiz ağlarım
Sonsuz gecelerde sensiz ağlarım
Fırtınalar sabahında doğan günü duyumsarım
Mevsimlerin sıcağında susuzluğa kanarım
Yitip giden insanlara, dostlarıma ağlarım
Yanlış zamanlara sensizliğe ağlarım
Nedensiz sorgusuz bir rüya gözlerimde
Nedensiz sorgusuz bir duvar benliğimde
Siyah beyaz düşlerimde seni hatırlarım
Bomboş ellerimde seni duyumsarım
Sensiz gecelerde sensiz ağlarım
Sonsuz gecelerde sensiz ağlarım
Söz - Müzik: Cem Kısmet
Bir siyah beyaz fotoğrafım ben
Tozlu raflardayım eski albümlerde
Yağmurlu günlerde
Alçak gönüllü bir su birikintisiyim
Şehrin karanlık sokaklarında
Donu düşük çocukların yaptığı kağıttan bir gemiyim
Yüzüyorum, yüzüyor muyum
Bilmiyorum bilmiyorum
Bir gün batı mıyım güneyde
Bir akşam vaktiyim
Ucuz bir şarabın şişesiyim denizde
Yüzüyor muyum
Biliyor musun
Bir gün bir yağmur sonrası
Siyah beyaz bir fotoğraf bulacaksın yerlerde
İşte o an
Bir kıpırtıyım yüreğinde
Ve iki damla yaş olacağım güneşli gözlerinde.
Söz: Şükrü Erdoğan
Müzik: Cem Kısmet
Gitarlar Ve Vokal: Cem Kısmet
Bas Gitar Ve Vokal: Ahmet Başbağlar
Davul Ve Vurmalılar: Gürcan Konanç
In-Quest 2013 Chapter IIX - The Odyssey Of Eternity
Chapter IIX - The Odyssey Of Eternity
01 Enter Eternity Of Lethargy
02 Taedium Vitae
03 Elliptical Orbits In Disbelief
04 Reiterated Cycles Of Celestial Spheres
05 Neo-Pseudo Existence
06 Infinite Sleep For The Hollow
07 The Algorhythmic Alignments
08 Yearn To Return [Liquidation Fails]
enter eternal suffering
losing all hope and confidence
descending, is there no meaning?
what will the future bring?
the questions lingering and it makes no sense
in apathy, struggle endlessly
starting to lose control
exhaustion wearing down the soul
try to comprehend, the spirit needs healing
but when the wounds run deep
all these scars seem to be
down right impossible to mend
and these scars won't fade
forever lethargic
there's no end in sight once you started
forever lethargic
there's no turning back when you departed
incessantly empty inside
blunt carving cuts like a dull knife
endless excruciating pain
throbbing pulse
these headaches piercing through the brain
there's no point to carry on
we stand alone
another broken spirit crash to the ground
incessantly empty inside
blunt carving incision, cuts like a dull knife
I strive...
while my whole being is tired and torn with this existence
I am in the cornertrembling
taedium vitae, weariness and loathing of life
I am the one coping with all
no control over feelings
cascades of emotions overflow
stuck in the corner shivering
quivering in the corner, tired and torn
the wearing and loathing of life
now all these efforts are futile
anergia comes full circle, leave it hanging upon the outcome
worn out, worn down, burnt the candle from both ends
prepare yourself for the fall
stuck in a spiral down
repulsive enervation
idle bein in lassitude
it bears no significance
apathetic indolence
pushed to the limits of fatigue
blue skies turns into depressive blackened shades
it will everly rain upon the rest of our otherwise perfect days
it is haunting, forever daunting
asphyxiate this torment
eliminate all our hopes
continuous rigid coma
finally becomes us all
try to get by and succumb to failure
no matter how hard you try
better let them sleeping dogs lie
I defy, I've become what I despise
enduring pain and suffer in vain
slowly burning up like a moth drawn into the flame
taedium viatae, accept you fate
in the distance
a powersurge of shimmering light
through the darkest h ours
skepticism turns electrified
a hefty explosion
sending shockwaves through time
indefinite perpetual incredulity (with undefined doubts) continue the eternal peregrination through the unknown
clusters of translucent elements
build up massive complexity
epic random delay
emphasizing permanent verbosity
revered through sonar pulses
accentuated cosmic resonance
decipher cryptic pattering
looking for an answer
in this non-existing symmetry
the form is starting to take shape
a cericular body f enduring density
atmospheric repetition
equivocaing ringing sounds, elevated feedback mantra
sending radius echoes through time
add another piece to the puzzle
forced to fit in this intricate structure
mirrored visions reflecting the past
(repeated cycles of celestial spheres)
recycled present is how the future will last
loss of gravity
levitate into infinity
global opus obscure
our concepts are futile
ideas rejected and dispersed
uncompromising in our own limitless universe
eclipsed behind a supenova
A new fake existence
as universe aligned
I've seen a red handed halo stirred within
untamed and bitter
a soul went awoken
a feline once frail and broken
the more I cling and crawl, distance rises
a predators's thrall
as water streaming upwards
has me drowned, the myth of sisyphus turns real
terminal sickness, purge my exitence
I found the track to my other self
lost, succumb to my fate irreversibly blocked
I failed you in vain I flew you
the prey hunt, the deer shot
inseminated melancholy, contaminated without empathy
terminal sickness, purge my existence of this piteous throwness
I choke a neo-pseudo existence
where despise and desire can't be told apart, where pain boils
in the soil of the soul
and a fading will reigns the heart
my perception without cure
for you a truth too obscure
isolated, battered and broken, I bity my way through these restraints
senses numb, behind a grinfrozen
I dispossess of once treasured lost faith
magic with morals
you're reluctant, yourself to embrace or endure
meaningless thoughts derail
in moments of atonement amorality prevails
5 minutes, a wish never granted, angelic nectar implanted
imagine the marvel of utopian perfectin
unmasked a fraud
a mockup in sudden insight
catharsis undone
you chose a neo-pseudo existence
shaded whit shallow stripped emotions, where your life is nothing but a hollow shell
and your words are void of devotion
the way things once believed end in sorrow grieved
and what once surprised is demystified
catharsis undone
tension rises, escalated conflict
reach critical mass of strain
cracks in the foundation, in vain
become one with none
perpare yourself for the donfaal
hypnotized in hollow hibernation
torpid dreas never ending
the shallow/fallen fall into deep domatized sleep
forever descending
immense monotone frequency
resonates through the infinity
laid to rest, our thoughts laid to rest in hollow grounds
last time yuo broke the boundaries
it is over and done
patience gone, no more will you trample on our peaceful minds
draw the line
it is decided and defined
placed in decaying soil to rot
awake and smell what you shovel
pushed to the limits
enough of the constant insults
this is the drop, it has got to stop
finally it will come to an end
tension rises, escalated conflict
reach critical mass of strain
become one with none
in vain, prepare yourself for the downfall
so shut your eyes, forever be blind
never wake up from the hollow sunds
deny this souls existence in the universe
we're dispersed
lost in the spark, these eyes are the window to the soul
forgottenin oblivion
empty and lost in the dark
the light we blindly follow
infinite sleep for the hollow
placed in decaying soil to rot, awake and smell what you shovel
conflicting anomalies deteriorate
tranquilized, say your last goodbye
perpare yourself for the fall, when it all turns quiet
countless scattered thoughts
it is ordained, we suffer in vain
aligned throgh the unexplained
take drastic measures once you crossed that border
stay on track, contradiction, from chas to order
there's no turning back
it is a fact
there is no turning back
premeditated pulses, all connected through random points
constellations of calculated parallels
related polar rhytms delayed
a predermined paradox
associated in asymmetric faze
connect the dors
irrational strategy, undeviating gradual, definite radical
it is written in the stars, they are aligned tonight
binary angles defined, can you see the signs
predict the future and read between the lines
we shine - eternally
duality merged forever
prevail together as one
combined we will conquer all
I am enlightened, illumination lingers
undeviating gradual, a definite radical
accentuate pragatic schemes, an irrational strategy
because nothing is ever as good as it seems
equivalent duality
it is all out of your hands
leave it all up to chance
we are all just a part of the greater plan
learn to read between the lines
we are all just a part of the greater plan
stand apart from the greater plan
can never break our chosen path
ambiguous abstract and innovatively different
we are what we are and that is how it always will remain
it will stay that way until the end of our days
despite all the constant manipulation efforts
liquidation constantly fails, unchanged and strange in ways we will Always remain
elated we will stray
eccentric integrity sustained
no need for deviation, never turn away
exploration of a euphoric escapade
clear in sight lined up to the destinatin
no need to stray, the trail before you lies straight ahead
continuous frustrations
rise up to enless high expectations
elated we remain, eccentric integrity sustained
this odyssey has taught us
you don't Always get what's been earned
throughout these years, valuable lessons have been learned and
the prodigal sons return
rest assured wanted or not
the prodigal sons will return
the last verse is yet to come, it is not over, it has just begun
it will not be over until the fat lady sung
looking forward and the rest is yet to come
look forward and the best is yet to come
ong and dire road ahead
on an enless quest for integrity
we are Always ready
exploring newand unknown ground
bring it on, we are reay for more, we will return to even the score7
things will never culminate
persistence pays, as long as we are prepared to accept our coming fate
we sill reiterate
(continue forever)
Chapter IIX - The Odyssey Of Eternity
01 Enter Eternity Of Lethargy
02 Taedium Vitae
03 Elliptical Orbits In Disbelief
04 Reiterated Cycles Of Celestial Spheres
05 Neo-Pseudo Existence
06 Infinite Sleep For The Hollow
07 The Algorhythmic Alignments
08 Yearn To Return [Liquidation Fails]
enter eternal suffering
losing all hope and confidence
descending, is there no meaning?
what will the future bring?
the questions lingering and it makes no sense
in apathy, struggle endlessly
starting to lose control
exhaustion wearing down the soul
try to comprehend, the spirit needs healing
but when the wounds run deep
all these scars seem to be
down right impossible to mend
and these scars won't fade
forever lethargic
there's no end in sight once you started
forever lethargic
there's no turning back when you departed
incessantly empty inside
blunt carving cuts like a dull knife
endless excruciating pain
throbbing pulse
these headaches piercing through the brain
there's no point to carry on
we stand alone
another broken spirit crash to the ground
incessantly empty inside
blunt carving incision, cuts like a dull knife
I strive...
while my whole being is tired and torn with this existence
I am in the cornertrembling
taedium vitae, weariness and loathing of life
I am the one coping with all
no control over feelings
cascades of emotions overflow
stuck in the corner shivering
quivering in the corner, tired and torn
the wearing and loathing of life
now all these efforts are futile
anergia comes full circle, leave it hanging upon the outcome
worn out, worn down, burnt the candle from both ends
prepare yourself for the fall
stuck in a spiral down
repulsive enervation
idle bein in lassitude
it bears no significance
apathetic indolence
pushed to the limits of fatigue
blue skies turns into depressive blackened shades
it will everly rain upon the rest of our otherwise perfect days
it is haunting, forever daunting
asphyxiate this torment
eliminate all our hopes
continuous rigid coma
finally becomes us all
try to get by and succumb to failure
no matter how hard you try
better let them sleeping dogs lie
I defy, I've become what I despise
enduring pain and suffer in vain
slowly burning up like a moth drawn into the flame
taedium viatae, accept you fate
in the distance
a powersurge of shimmering light
through the darkest h ours
skepticism turns electrified
a hefty explosion
sending shockwaves through time
indefinite perpetual incredulity (with undefined doubts) continue the eternal peregrination through the unknown
clusters of translucent elements
build up massive complexity
epic random delay
emphasizing permanent verbosity
revered through sonar pulses
accentuated cosmic resonance
decipher cryptic pattering
looking for an answer
in this non-existing symmetry
the form is starting to take shape
a cericular body f enduring density
atmospheric repetition
equivocaing ringing sounds, elevated feedback mantra
sending radius echoes through time
add another piece to the puzzle
forced to fit in this intricate structure
mirrored visions reflecting the past
(repeated cycles of celestial spheres)
recycled present is how the future will last
loss of gravity
levitate into infinity
global opus obscure
our concepts are futile
ideas rejected and dispersed
uncompromising in our own limitless universe
eclipsed behind a supenova
A new fake existence
as universe aligned
I've seen a red handed halo stirred within
untamed and bitter
a soul went awoken
a feline once frail and broken
the more I cling and crawl, distance rises
a predators's thrall
as water streaming upwards
has me drowned, the myth of sisyphus turns real
terminal sickness, purge my exitence
I found the track to my other self
lost, succumb to my fate irreversibly blocked
I failed you in vain I flew you
the prey hunt, the deer shot
inseminated melancholy, contaminated without empathy
terminal sickness, purge my existence of this piteous throwness
I choke a neo-pseudo existence
where despise and desire can't be told apart, where pain boils
in the soil of the soul
and a fading will reigns the heart
my perception without cure
for you a truth too obscure
isolated, battered and broken, I bity my way through these restraints
senses numb, behind a grinfrozen
I dispossess of once treasured lost faith
magic with morals
you're reluctant, yourself to embrace or endure
meaningless thoughts derail
in moments of atonement amorality prevails
5 minutes, a wish never granted, angelic nectar implanted
imagine the marvel of utopian perfectin
unmasked a fraud
a mockup in sudden insight
catharsis undone
you chose a neo-pseudo existence
shaded whit shallow stripped emotions, where your life is nothing but a hollow shell
and your words are void of devotion
the way things once believed end in sorrow grieved
and what once surprised is demystified
catharsis undone
tension rises, escalated conflict
reach critical mass of strain
cracks in the foundation, in vain
become one with none
perpare yourself for the donfaal
hypnotized in hollow hibernation
torpid dreas never ending
the shallow/fallen fall into deep domatized sleep
forever descending
immense monotone frequency
resonates through the infinity
laid to rest, our thoughts laid to rest in hollow grounds
last time yuo broke the boundaries
it is over and done
patience gone, no more will you trample on our peaceful minds
draw the line
it is decided and defined
placed in decaying soil to rot
awake and smell what you shovel
pushed to the limits
enough of the constant insults
this is the drop, it has got to stop
finally it will come to an end
tension rises, escalated conflict
reach critical mass of strain
become one with none
in vain, prepare yourself for the downfall
so shut your eyes, forever be blind
never wake up from the hollow sunds
deny this souls existence in the universe
we're dispersed
lost in the spark, these eyes are the window to the soul
forgottenin oblivion
empty and lost in the dark
the light we blindly follow
infinite sleep for the hollow
placed in decaying soil to rot, awake and smell what you shovel
conflicting anomalies deteriorate
tranquilized, say your last goodbye
perpare yourself for the fall, when it all turns quiet
countless scattered thoughts
it is ordained, we suffer in vain
aligned throgh the unexplained
take drastic measures once you crossed that border
stay on track, contradiction, from chas to order
there's no turning back
it is a fact
there is no turning back
premeditated pulses, all connected through random points
constellations of calculated parallels
related polar rhytms delayed
a predermined paradox
associated in asymmetric faze
connect the dors
irrational strategy, undeviating gradual, definite radical
it is written in the stars, they are aligned tonight
binary angles defined, can you see the signs
predict the future and read between the lines
we shine - eternally
duality merged forever
prevail together as one
combined we will conquer all
I am enlightened, illumination lingers
undeviating gradual, a definite radical
accentuate pragatic schemes, an irrational strategy
because nothing is ever as good as it seems
equivalent duality
it is all out of your hands
leave it all up to chance
we are all just a part of the greater plan
learn to read between the lines
we are all just a part of the greater plan
stand apart from the greater plan
can never break our chosen path
ambiguous abstract and innovatively different
we are what we are and that is how it always will remain
it will stay that way until the end of our days
despite all the constant manipulation efforts
liquidation constantly fails, unchanged and strange in ways we will Always remain
elated we will stray
eccentric integrity sustained
no need for deviation, never turn away
exploration of a euphoric escapade
clear in sight lined up to the destinatin
no need to stray, the trail before you lies straight ahead
continuous frustrations
rise up to enless high expectations
elated we remain, eccentric integrity sustained
this odyssey has taught us
you don't Always get what's been earned
throughout these years, valuable lessons have been learned and
the prodigal sons return
rest assured wanted or not
the prodigal sons will return
the last verse is yet to come, it is not over, it has just begun
it will not be over until the fat lady sung
looking forward and the rest is yet to come
look forward and the best is yet to come
ong and dire road ahead
on an enless quest for integrity
we are Always ready
exploring newand unknown ground
bring it on, we are reay for more, we will return to even the score7
things will never culminate
persistence pays, as long as we are prepared to accept our coming fate
we sill reiterate
(continue forever)
In-Quest 2010 The Liquidation Files (EP)
The Liquidation Files (EP)
01 Stahlmacht
02 Corridor Of Chameleons
03 Asynchronous Transmission
04 Mind Over Matter (Live)
05 Systematic Arythmetic Hate (Live)
Out of the silence, rose a new kind of madness
Of which no one, no one could locate the source
A smothered moan as a chanted hymn
Unearthly, terrible and hard to bear
Crushed, tramped, pulverized
Killed, raped, crucified
Out-numbered, out-gunned
Genocide has begun
A world left lifeless, souls tramped and crushed
Everything ends, conquered and burnt
Crushed by the panzers, life unfolds
Incinerated masses, destruction unbound…
Mass destruction
Blood-soaked landscapes, where bodies remain
Silence prevails, as the napalm stroke the day before, swift
Conquered by -
The Stahlmacht, an automized tool of, extinction
Programmed for one end result, extermination
Created by the race of men, mass inflicted suicide
Thoughts of man have depraved their own being
There is no future...
Out of the silence, rose a new kind of madness
Of which no one, no one could locate the source
A smothered moan as a chanted hymn
Unearthly, terrible and hard to bear
Crushed, tramped, pulverized
Killed, raped, crucified
Out-numbered, out-gunned
Genocide has begun
Mass destruction
The Stahlmacht, an automized tool of, extinction
Programmed for one end result, exter-mination
Created by the race of men, mass inflicted suicide
Thoughts of man have depraved their own being
There is no future…
The end game, there is no survival
Self-inflicted, your social disorder, the eradication
A world left lifeless, souls tramped and crushed
Everything ends, conquered and burnt
Crushed by the panzers, life unfolds
Incinerated masses, destruction unbound…
The end of man...
We're the carriers of a new anomaly; Fold, unfold. Bend, shift color.
Always turning our backs to the wind. Deaf to the inner voices screaming.
Purpose, profit, act only to gain. Blistered tounges from licking greedward.
Taste the enemy. Throw up their means. Swallow the bits that fit your needs.
Keep your eyes searching in all directions, scanning for opportunities
Off you go. Begin your climb. Aim for the topmost twig of lies.
Put on a shape to pass undisturbed. Pick a color to blend with surroundings.
Choose a voice suiting, appropriate for the never benignant purpose.
Spin your eyes to read the court. Smoothen your path before the start
Even out, fill the holes with the toxic clay of your rotting heart.
A contagious neuro-ego-disease. A virus sticking to liars.
We're the self-centered fuel to boost the new strain of fire.
Adapting, shifting, lacking opinion. Our numbers exceeding the billions.
Everly walking among ourselves down the corridor of chameleons.
Continue through the skein of boughs, navigate to keep you straight on track.
Make the right ramification-turns. Conceit will be your allied guide.
Climb the hierarchy ladders invisibly, veiled by the canvas of putrid dreams.
Every obstacle surmountable to the clouded vision you've conceived.
Scan the wall of truth for cracks. Your prey: the secrets hiding therein.
Feed upon its nourishing intestines to bring you forth in the "game"
With every single step taken on the road of games called success,
There's a fee for every lie. The currency: Your dissolving integrity.
Will you make it to the top of the tree? Is the fortune there to be found?
Chameleons are a short-lived breed. Maybe fate will find you dead on the ground.
(Fate will tell.....)
comitting murders
imprinted on the memory in my divine insanity
committed murders
imprinted on the memory, lasting through infinity
asynchronous transmission has erupted
paint the picture carved upon the walls
it's the signature, a god's work of art
leave the message written in stains of blood
as I tried to clarify your death is my life
insanity reigns when this twisted mind, turns corrupted
asynchronous transmission has erupted
paint the picture carved into the flesh
in search for the next one, my victims in distress
sending signals, traces of evidence
as I bleach them out of my remembrance
my violence has amplified in the echoes in my mind
receiving flashbacks, of another life
it's not a perfect world out there, so many people corrupted, easy victims.
In my world there will be no more poverty, hunger greed or violence
I will create the perfect place for the human race
see the images fade away, into the shades of grey
paint the picture carved on their bones
their mutilated bodies covered up onder stones
left a message, my mark is hidden deep inside
what I left behind no one will ever find
insanity reigns when this twisted mind turns corrupted
asynchronous transmission has erupted
we're shattered, our particles scattered
stand and stare down here on the ground
looking at the skies above
to try to understand what we are here for
and to figure out the meaning of it all
like skew reflections our images in a mirro glass
distorted from the cracks of the past
the stars casting shadows, a darkened veil covering all
fading memories of our formes selves, they just won't last
in the distance we what matters, dissolve into nothing
and the nothing dispersed into nothing but black emptiness
into the darkness
we see what matters, dissolve into nothing
no control of mind over matter, shattered
we're made out of negative matter
travelling through the darkness
of our inner thoughts
searching for recognition points
what lies within our soul and hearts
our particles scattered
Sequence hate erupts, the senses drop
Blood flow in reverse in the veins
A rhythmetic despise for life retaliates
Uneven backwards pulse generates
An out of rhythm sequence of anger
Feeding the everlasting raging adrenaline
Merging vengeance and hate filled emotions
An out of rhythm sequence of anger
Feeding the raging adrenaline
System overload with hatred
Reprogrammed soul so dark and tainted
System overload with hate
The nightmare has no end
This eternal conflict will never die
This internal instinct will for ever survive
Systematic hate
The Liquidation Files (EP)
01 Stahlmacht
02 Corridor Of Chameleons
03 Asynchronous Transmission
04 Mind Over Matter (Live)
05 Systematic Arythmetic Hate (Live)
Out of the silence, rose a new kind of madness
Of which no one, no one could locate the source
A smothered moan as a chanted hymn
Unearthly, terrible and hard to bear
Crushed, tramped, pulverized
Killed, raped, crucified
Out-numbered, out-gunned
Genocide has begun
A world left lifeless, souls tramped and crushed
Everything ends, conquered and burnt
Crushed by the panzers, life unfolds
Incinerated masses, destruction unbound…
Mass destruction
Blood-soaked landscapes, where bodies remain
Silence prevails, as the napalm stroke the day before, swift
Conquered by -
The Stahlmacht, an automized tool of, extinction
Programmed for one end result, extermination
Created by the race of men, mass inflicted suicide
Thoughts of man have depraved their own being
There is no future...
Out of the silence, rose a new kind of madness
Of which no one, no one could locate the source
A smothered moan as a chanted hymn
Unearthly, terrible and hard to bear
Crushed, tramped, pulverized
Killed, raped, crucified
Out-numbered, out-gunned
Genocide has begun
Mass destruction
The Stahlmacht, an automized tool of, extinction
Programmed for one end result, exter-mination
Created by the race of men, mass inflicted suicide
Thoughts of man have depraved their own being
There is no future…
The end game, there is no survival
Self-inflicted, your social disorder, the eradication
A world left lifeless, souls tramped and crushed
Everything ends, conquered and burnt
Crushed by the panzers, life unfolds
Incinerated masses, destruction unbound…
The end of man...
We're the carriers of a new anomaly; Fold, unfold. Bend, shift color.
Always turning our backs to the wind. Deaf to the inner voices screaming.
Purpose, profit, act only to gain. Blistered tounges from licking greedward.
Taste the enemy. Throw up their means. Swallow the bits that fit your needs.
Keep your eyes searching in all directions, scanning for opportunities
Off you go. Begin your climb. Aim for the topmost twig of lies.
Put on a shape to pass undisturbed. Pick a color to blend with surroundings.
Choose a voice suiting, appropriate for the never benignant purpose.
Spin your eyes to read the court. Smoothen your path before the start
Even out, fill the holes with the toxic clay of your rotting heart.
A contagious neuro-ego-disease. A virus sticking to liars.
We're the self-centered fuel to boost the new strain of fire.
Adapting, shifting, lacking opinion. Our numbers exceeding the billions.
Everly walking among ourselves down the corridor of chameleons.
Continue through the skein of boughs, navigate to keep you straight on track.
Make the right ramification-turns. Conceit will be your allied guide.
Climb the hierarchy ladders invisibly, veiled by the canvas of putrid dreams.
Every obstacle surmountable to the clouded vision you've conceived.
Scan the wall of truth for cracks. Your prey: the secrets hiding therein.
Feed upon its nourishing intestines to bring you forth in the "game"
With every single step taken on the road of games called success,
There's a fee for every lie. The currency: Your dissolving integrity.
Will you make it to the top of the tree? Is the fortune there to be found?
Chameleons are a short-lived breed. Maybe fate will find you dead on the ground.
(Fate will tell.....)
comitting murders
imprinted on the memory in my divine insanity
committed murders
imprinted on the memory, lasting through infinity
asynchronous transmission has erupted
paint the picture carved upon the walls
it's the signature, a god's work of art
leave the message written in stains of blood
as I tried to clarify your death is my life
insanity reigns when this twisted mind, turns corrupted
asynchronous transmission has erupted
paint the picture carved into the flesh
in search for the next one, my victims in distress
sending signals, traces of evidence
as I bleach them out of my remembrance
my violence has amplified in the echoes in my mind
receiving flashbacks, of another life
it's not a perfect world out there, so many people corrupted, easy victims.
In my world there will be no more poverty, hunger greed or violence
I will create the perfect place for the human race
see the images fade away, into the shades of grey
paint the picture carved on their bones
their mutilated bodies covered up onder stones
left a message, my mark is hidden deep inside
what I left behind no one will ever find
insanity reigns when this twisted mind turns corrupted
asynchronous transmission has erupted
we're shattered, our particles scattered
stand and stare down here on the ground
looking at the skies above
to try to understand what we are here for
and to figure out the meaning of it all
like skew reflections our images in a mirro glass
distorted from the cracks of the past
the stars casting shadows, a darkened veil covering all
fading memories of our formes selves, they just won't last
in the distance we what matters, dissolve into nothing
and the nothing dispersed into nothing but black emptiness
into the darkness
we see what matters, dissolve into nothing
no control of mind over matter, shattered
we're made out of negative matter
travelling through the darkness
of our inner thoughts
searching for recognition points
what lies within our soul and hearts
our particles scattered
Sequence hate erupts, the senses drop
Blood flow in reverse in the veins
A rhythmetic despise for life retaliates
Uneven backwards pulse generates
An out of rhythm sequence of anger
Feeding the everlasting raging adrenaline
Merging vengeance and hate filled emotions
An out of rhythm sequence of anger
Feeding the raging adrenaline
System overload with hatred
Reprogrammed soul so dark and tainted
System overload with hate
The nightmare has no end
This eternal conflict will never die
This internal instinct will for ever survive
Systematic hate
In-Quest 2009 Made Out Of Negative Matter
Made Out Of Negative Matter
01 Ignition Sequence
02 Mind Over Matter
03 Asynchronous Transmission
04 Walk Of A Million Mouths
05 Thy Subsonic Collapse
06 The Auxiliary Theory
07 Dysfunctional Inscapes
08 Compelled Misogyny
09 Anomaly Of A Tortured Mind
10 Hybris...
11 Evasive Crosscurrents
Ignition Sequence 04:41 Hide lyrics
Been tricked too many times
to fall in the traps that have been laid down before my eyes
breaking out of the silence and this violence
which has been growing so strong for far too long, it will finally see the light
feel the temperature rising, a relenteless force of un-dismissible anger building up deep inside
been trapped too many times
to just lay flat down and die, what will be I won't go down without a fight
here and now, rest assured, that retribution is coming when the time is right
set the cleansing in motion. make them feel it in the purest form
make them suffer in truth and clear of sin
so ignite the fuse and lock on your targets
make them never forget
make them all suffer and let the killing spree begin
building up deep in soul and mind
they crossed the line and pushed their limits for the last time
I detest all the things they stand for. I swear I can't take it no more
I will not lay myself to rest until I had my vengeance
this hatred will die with you, buried in the same grave
I am not your slave and choose to go my own way
Your reign over me will finally come to a painful end
never, I will never, never again
I won't fall in the same trap ever again
never, not ever again
2. Mind Over Matter 03:13 Hide lyrics
we're shattered, our particles scattered
stand and stare down here on the ground
looking at the skies above
to try to understand what we are here for
and to figure out the meaning of it all
like skew reflections our images in a mirro glass
distorted from the cracks of the past
the stars casting shadows, a darkened veil covering all
fading memories of our formes selves, they just won't last
in the distance we what matters, dissolve into nothing
and the nothing dispersed into nothing but black emptiness
into the darkness
we see what matters, dissolve into nothing
no control of mind over matter, shattered
we're made out of negative matter
travelling through the darkness
of our inner thoughts
searching for recognition points
what lies within our soul and hearts
our particles scattered
3. Asynchronous Transmission 04:20 Hide lyrics
comitting murders
imprinted on the memory in my divine insanity
committed murders
imprinted on the memory, lasting through infinity
asynchronous transmission has erupted
paint the picture carved upon the walls
it's the signature, a god's work of art
leave the message written in stains of blood
as I tried to clarify your death is my life
insanity reigns when this twisted mind, turns corrupted
asynchronous transmission has erupted
paint the picture carved into the flesh
in search for the next one, my victims in distress
sending signals, traces of evidence
as I bleach them out of my remembrance
my violence has amplified in the echoes in my mind
receiving flashbacks, of another life
it's not a perfect world out there, so many people corrupted, easy victims. In my world there will be no more poverty, hunger greed or violence
I will create the perfect place for the human race
see the images fade away, into the shades of grey
paint the picture carved on their bones
their mutilated bodies covered up onder stones
left a message, my mark is hidden deep inside
what I left behind no one will ever find
insanity reigns when this twisted mind turns corrupted
asynchronous transmission has erupted
4. Walk of a Million Mouths 03:03 Hide lyrics
they are spreading their infected words
all over this world and this sick distorted truth
has been following the walk of a million mouths
tearing down the walls of frustrations
building up in soul and mind
I have to live through all the accusations and
I want what's real, for real, as I know it inside
I know it inside
I know you inside and out
tell the tale a fact or a fiction
won't matter for long, I will grow too strong
for this sick distorted truth
after following the walk of a million mouths
in know your outside
but I'll turn you inside and out
detecting the conspiracy
erase these intrigues and find a cure against your
contagious and deceptive disease
you are spreading your infected words all across my world
5. Thy Subsonic Collapse 06:41 Hide lyrics
I am the light, the beacon in darkness
your guidance in subsonic collapse
your world will crumble under my credence
bring down the fury upon the impious souls
to see the fear in your eyes before my presence
and cause that puny world to explode
I am the light, the beacon in darkness
your guidance through sub harmonic
I am the light, the beacon in darkness
your guidance in subsonic collapse
your faith will crumble under my pressure
break down the confidence in those who betray
can you give up all you've come to treasure
and see the ones you love pass away
along the way, they will pass away
I am divine, the perpetual light, through obscurity I will shine
no guilt, no remorse, I am the merciless
hiding, deep in a void of you sub consciousness
in the end you will face the consequences
I am the one and you take my name in vain for your gain
I will lead the way towardss the light
what you keep hidden inside, I will find
just open your mind as you die
I am divine
6. The Auxiliary Theory 05:42 Hide lyrics
I've been trying so hard to figure out
what do I want to do
where do we need to go with this life?
it lies hidden within the rest of our given time
I hear the voice of reason breaking through the silence
fear the rational chimes of comprehension
As I'm starting to realize
I'm tearing down all the pre-assumptions
annalyzing all the facts of life
speculate in these misconceptions
of the predetermined abstracts of your mind
What will I find inside?
where will I find myself tomorrow
through all the death, decay and sorrow
breaking down all inner barriers
find a way through your mental cage
follow the path of self-improvement
end the slavery of this internal rage
there is nothing to fear, the nothing is here
will there be no more tomorrow?
If i could finally find myself
the whispering you hear says there's nothing to fear
then turn around to stare and the nothing is there
In a split second it could be all over
we ask ourselves what will we be?
the schizophrenic secondary opinion within
no more tomorrow
through all the death, decay and sorrow
7. Dysfunctional Inscapes 01:26 instrumental
8. Compelled Misogyny 05:50 Hide lyrics
every day life of domestic disturbance
behind closed curtains a senseless violence
op en up the window of opportunities
and seize every chance you can to leave
just how many times have you wanted to die
in shame of the bruises and broken bones
you've tried to hide and swallow your pride
but you cannot mend this broken home
how many times are you going to try
before you're starting to realize
there's no hope and no escape
why do you forgive and forget
just to keep living a life of lies
the sickness is eating away, endlessly
compelled inot misogyny, no hope, no escape
you're not the one to take on the blame
covering your bruised face in shame
how much more are you willing to take
until you see you've put your life at stake
open up your blood shut eyes
will you finally come to realize
taught well by his father, showed lessons on the mother
on and on passed dow through the generations
can't you see? it's not too late to make your escape
how can you stand these mandatory nightly rapes?
imprisoned in this derogatory cell and a life of living hell
how much more can you endure, you're so insecure
the sickness driven to insanity, endlessly
the symptom is eating away. compelled into misogyny
it's not too late, you're not bound to this hateful fate
9. Anomaly of a Tortured Mind 05:41 Hide lyrics
decline into the depths of my private hell
disembodied, from this empty shell
my private hell, I dwell in the darkness
into depths of insanity I fell
in this empty shell, there's no light
remove the patches casing my eyes because my hands are tied
wrapped in myself until I die. wondering through my mind
looking for points of recognition, but they all lead to the same gap
I am trapped
I dwell in the darkness, drifted away
I strayed too far from the path
stuck in a vicious circle, Can't seem to break these bounds
holding me back from moving forward, I won't reach the goals
inward frustration in a downward spiral of eternal failure
I 'm a failure
my mind is fractured, vague imagery faded away and I strayed
through polarized obscurity a fraction of chaos was captured
anomaly of a tortured mind
there's no return
I wil burn as I strayed too far from the beaten path
there is no escape, I've got nowhere to run
see the reflections of the flames in the mirror
as I watch myself burn
locked up in mental shackles, captivated in this tormented core
a body filled with emptiness, the hollow casing of my former self
locked up in my own mind, this negativity that grows over time
I'm suffocating on the bottom of my life, in chaos and in self-despise
10. Hybris... 03:05 Hide lyrics
I make my own castle
consider myself royalty
try to blow down my illusional fortress
but you will not succeed
they call me hybris
grand master in delusions of grandness
my beliefs are false but they suit me
in fact they border my territory
since the outside madness
I cannot understand, cannot take control
And I...
I hibernate in my own self
blowup my mind with my own identity
my walls are blank
and I write on them as I please
the hybris is just scared of what it will find
ath the end of the line
when the truth domes back and makes him small
it's his greatest fear of all
evasive, the currings collide, swept away in the tide
they drifted in apathy so far from the truth
they're pulled below the surface, sinking deeper, gasping for air
their lives are floating by, crushed by the waves of despair
here comes the flood that is drowning the shores deception
the tide is turning, relations have capsized
time to leave the leaking, sinking ships behind
floating back into their everlasting sea of lies and despise
I will rise as a tidal wave to erase all of your hopes
lost in the current of my furious path, you will feel my utter most wrath
irrotonal flows from all directions, navigate the seas of deceptions
the rumors are spreading wider and wider, who cast the first stone?
ripples keep spreading on the surface of truth
how many times in life will you get lost? with no bearings or no sense of direction
you will never be out of debt, never taken out of the sights, of my revengeful scope
washed away all of their filthy negativity
caught in the crossing waves of the conspiracies
surrouned by divergency, set out on a deviant course from the start
the ripples that have torn us apart
drowning the banks of disarray, all of the trust I had has been betrayed
it's so hard to keep all the feelings at bay, going down the streams of destruction
and everything's swept away
erratic yet so systematic we are washed away by the floods
Made Out Of Negative Matter
01 Ignition Sequence
02 Mind Over Matter
03 Asynchronous Transmission
04 Walk Of A Million Mouths
05 Thy Subsonic Collapse
06 The Auxiliary Theory
07 Dysfunctional Inscapes
08 Compelled Misogyny
09 Anomaly Of A Tortured Mind
10 Hybris...
11 Evasive Crosscurrents
Ignition Sequence 04:41 Hide lyrics
Been tricked too many times
to fall in the traps that have been laid down before my eyes
breaking out of the silence and this violence
which has been growing so strong for far too long, it will finally see the light
feel the temperature rising, a relenteless force of un-dismissible anger building up deep inside
been trapped too many times
to just lay flat down and die, what will be I won't go down without a fight
here and now, rest assured, that retribution is coming when the time is right
set the cleansing in motion. make them feel it in the purest form
make them suffer in truth and clear of sin
so ignite the fuse and lock on your targets
make them never forget
make them all suffer and let the killing spree begin
building up deep in soul and mind
they crossed the line and pushed their limits for the last time
I detest all the things they stand for. I swear I can't take it no more
I will not lay myself to rest until I had my vengeance
this hatred will die with you, buried in the same grave
I am not your slave and choose to go my own way
Your reign over me will finally come to a painful end
never, I will never, never again
I won't fall in the same trap ever again
never, not ever again
2. Mind Over Matter 03:13 Hide lyrics
we're shattered, our particles scattered
stand and stare down here on the ground
looking at the skies above
to try to understand what we are here for
and to figure out the meaning of it all
like skew reflections our images in a mirro glass
distorted from the cracks of the past
the stars casting shadows, a darkened veil covering all
fading memories of our formes selves, they just won't last
in the distance we what matters, dissolve into nothing
and the nothing dispersed into nothing but black emptiness
into the darkness
we see what matters, dissolve into nothing
no control of mind over matter, shattered
we're made out of negative matter
travelling through the darkness
of our inner thoughts
searching for recognition points
what lies within our soul and hearts
our particles scattered
3. Asynchronous Transmission 04:20 Hide lyrics
comitting murders
imprinted on the memory in my divine insanity
committed murders
imprinted on the memory, lasting through infinity
asynchronous transmission has erupted
paint the picture carved upon the walls
it's the signature, a god's work of art
leave the message written in stains of blood
as I tried to clarify your death is my life
insanity reigns when this twisted mind, turns corrupted
asynchronous transmission has erupted
paint the picture carved into the flesh
in search for the next one, my victims in distress
sending signals, traces of evidence
as I bleach them out of my remembrance
my violence has amplified in the echoes in my mind
receiving flashbacks, of another life
it's not a perfect world out there, so many people corrupted, easy victims. In my world there will be no more poverty, hunger greed or violence
I will create the perfect place for the human race
see the images fade away, into the shades of grey
paint the picture carved on their bones
their mutilated bodies covered up onder stones
left a message, my mark is hidden deep inside
what I left behind no one will ever find
insanity reigns when this twisted mind turns corrupted
asynchronous transmission has erupted
4. Walk of a Million Mouths 03:03 Hide lyrics
they are spreading their infected words
all over this world and this sick distorted truth
has been following the walk of a million mouths
tearing down the walls of frustrations
building up in soul and mind
I have to live through all the accusations and
I want what's real, for real, as I know it inside
I know it inside
I know you inside and out
tell the tale a fact or a fiction
won't matter for long, I will grow too strong
for this sick distorted truth
after following the walk of a million mouths
in know your outside
but I'll turn you inside and out
detecting the conspiracy
erase these intrigues and find a cure against your
contagious and deceptive disease
you are spreading your infected words all across my world
5. Thy Subsonic Collapse 06:41 Hide lyrics
I am the light, the beacon in darkness
your guidance in subsonic collapse
your world will crumble under my credence
bring down the fury upon the impious souls
to see the fear in your eyes before my presence
and cause that puny world to explode
I am the light, the beacon in darkness
your guidance through sub harmonic
I am the light, the beacon in darkness
your guidance in subsonic collapse
your faith will crumble under my pressure
break down the confidence in those who betray
can you give up all you've come to treasure
and see the ones you love pass away
along the way, they will pass away
I am divine, the perpetual light, through obscurity I will shine
no guilt, no remorse, I am the merciless
hiding, deep in a void of you sub consciousness
in the end you will face the consequences
I am the one and you take my name in vain for your gain
I will lead the way towardss the light
what you keep hidden inside, I will find
just open your mind as you die
I am divine
6. The Auxiliary Theory 05:42 Hide lyrics
I've been trying so hard to figure out
what do I want to do
where do we need to go with this life?
it lies hidden within the rest of our given time
I hear the voice of reason breaking through the silence
fear the rational chimes of comprehension
As I'm starting to realize
I'm tearing down all the pre-assumptions
annalyzing all the facts of life
speculate in these misconceptions
of the predetermined abstracts of your mind
What will I find inside?
where will I find myself tomorrow
through all the death, decay and sorrow
breaking down all inner barriers
find a way through your mental cage
follow the path of self-improvement
end the slavery of this internal rage
there is nothing to fear, the nothing is here
will there be no more tomorrow?
If i could finally find myself
the whispering you hear says there's nothing to fear
then turn around to stare and the nothing is there
In a split second it could be all over
we ask ourselves what will we be?
the schizophrenic secondary opinion within
no more tomorrow
through all the death, decay and sorrow
7. Dysfunctional Inscapes 01:26 instrumental
8. Compelled Misogyny 05:50 Hide lyrics
every day life of domestic disturbance
behind closed curtains a senseless violence
op en up the window of opportunities
and seize every chance you can to leave
just how many times have you wanted to die
in shame of the bruises and broken bones
you've tried to hide and swallow your pride
but you cannot mend this broken home
how many times are you going to try
before you're starting to realize
there's no hope and no escape
why do you forgive and forget
just to keep living a life of lies
the sickness is eating away, endlessly
compelled inot misogyny, no hope, no escape
you're not the one to take on the blame
covering your bruised face in shame
how much more are you willing to take
until you see you've put your life at stake
open up your blood shut eyes
will you finally come to realize
taught well by his father, showed lessons on the mother
on and on passed dow through the generations
can't you see? it's not too late to make your escape
how can you stand these mandatory nightly rapes?
imprisoned in this derogatory cell and a life of living hell
how much more can you endure, you're so insecure
the sickness driven to insanity, endlessly
the symptom is eating away. compelled into misogyny
it's not too late, you're not bound to this hateful fate
9. Anomaly of a Tortured Mind 05:41 Hide lyrics
decline into the depths of my private hell
disembodied, from this empty shell
my private hell, I dwell in the darkness
into depths of insanity I fell
in this empty shell, there's no light
remove the patches casing my eyes because my hands are tied
wrapped in myself until I die. wondering through my mind
looking for points of recognition, but they all lead to the same gap
I am trapped
I dwell in the darkness, drifted away
I strayed too far from the path
stuck in a vicious circle, Can't seem to break these bounds
holding me back from moving forward, I won't reach the goals
inward frustration in a downward spiral of eternal failure
I 'm a failure
my mind is fractured, vague imagery faded away and I strayed
through polarized obscurity a fraction of chaos was captured
anomaly of a tortured mind
there's no return
I wil burn as I strayed too far from the beaten path
there is no escape, I've got nowhere to run
see the reflections of the flames in the mirror
as I watch myself burn
locked up in mental shackles, captivated in this tormented core
a body filled with emptiness, the hollow casing of my former self
locked up in my own mind, this negativity that grows over time
I'm suffocating on the bottom of my life, in chaos and in self-despise
10. Hybris... 03:05 Hide lyrics
I make my own castle
consider myself royalty
try to blow down my illusional fortress
but you will not succeed
they call me hybris
grand master in delusions of grandness
my beliefs are false but they suit me
in fact they border my territory
since the outside madness
I cannot understand, cannot take control
And I...
I hibernate in my own self
blowup my mind with my own identity
my walls are blank
and I write on them as I please
the hybris is just scared of what it will find
ath the end of the line
when the truth domes back and makes him small
it's his greatest fear of all
evasive, the currings collide, swept away in the tide
they drifted in apathy so far from the truth
they're pulled below the surface, sinking deeper, gasping for air
their lives are floating by, crushed by the waves of despair
here comes the flood that is drowning the shores deception
the tide is turning, relations have capsized
time to leave the leaking, sinking ships behind
floating back into their everlasting sea of lies and despise
I will rise as a tidal wave to erase all of your hopes
lost in the current of my furious path, you will feel my utter most wrath
irrotonal flows from all directions, navigate the seas of deceptions
the rumors are spreading wider and wider, who cast the first stone?
ripples keep spreading on the surface of truth
how many times in life will you get lost? with no bearings or no sense of direction
you will never be out of debt, never taken out of the sights, of my revengeful scope
washed away all of their filthy negativity
caught in the crossing waves of the conspiracies
surrouned by divergency, set out on a deviant course from the start
the ripples that have torn us apart
drowning the banks of disarray, all of the trust I had has been betrayed
it's so hard to keep all the feelings at bay, going down the streams of destruction
and everything's swept away
erratic yet so systematic we are washed away by the floods
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